Decorating your home is a great activity every mother can enjoy. The thrill of buying decorative items for the house is a fulfilling task.

However, many first-time moms make decorating complicated as they want to kid-proof every corner of the house.

Kid proofing the home may seem impossible to many as some areas may seem too impossible to fix because it will aesthetically be displeasing. Luckily, you can get safe and custom-made furniture in Bandpass Design. You can choose from the ideas they recommend and apply them to your homes.

In this article, you will learn the different kid-friendly home decorating tips you can do in your house.

Tip 1 – Use slipcovers

Slipcovers are necessary to prevent unwanted smudges, spills, and germs on your sofas and chairs.

Slipcovers are lifesavers for mothers who do not want to keep on doing the laundry with their table or chair covers.

Slipcovers can save your sofas from ruin when your kids accidentally spill food or are too messy to eat. After your kids eat, you can toss the slipcover in the wash, which will be as good as new.

Tip 2 – Use baskets and labels to organize your kids’ toys

Using baskets and labels is a way to organize your kids’ toys and the things in the house.

Using baskets as storage will make mothers’ lives so much easier. They will no longer find somewhere in the house for their kids’ things and toys.

You can also label these baskets or boxes to know which one owns them. It will prevent quarrels and misplacement of things inside your home.

Baskets will make cleaning easier for many mommies. You can seal them and place them after every game time. You will not have to worry about your kids taking small, choking toys when you are not looking. It will keep your kids safe and happier when they play.

Tip 3 – Use carpets or rubber mats

Use thick carpets or rubber mats for where your kids stay or play. Installing these things on your floor is necessary to prevent injuries from accidents like slips and falls.

Kid proofing your floors are essential when you have babies or toddlers. It is because accidents may happen even within seconds that you slip your eyesight away from your kids.

An injury is more susceptible to floor tiles or concrete. Hard floors may cause your kids’ head injuries, wounds, or scratches.

Thick carpets or rubber mats enable your kids to play without you worrying they might get an injury from running or walking.

Tip 4 – Use curved edge tables, countertops, and furniture

Another pro-tip that first-time moms should do is secure their home’s furniture edges. Most tables have sharp tables that may cause injury.

Sharp-edged furniture may result in a problem. It is because kids are usually playful and love to run.

And even if you do not want, accidents may happen. So just on the safe side, ensure that your tables, countertops, and other edgy furniture will have covers.

It is also a better choice to buy furniture with curved edges. This way, even if your kids run around the house, the edges will not cut or hurt them badly.

Tip 5 – Make an interactive space

Having an interactive space in your home is a great way to show your kids you have time for them.

The interactive space is a dedicated area where children can play and be active inside your home. It can either be in the playroom or living room.

The spot is where your kids can read a book, play with their toys, or have fun. It can also be a space to invite their friends or playmates to play.

Tip 6 – Bring nature to your home design

Design is necessary for making a kid-friendly home.

Plants can help to regulate better air quality inside your home. Many homeowners add home plants or flowers inside their homes for aesthetic reasons and to have better airflow.

Bringing nature inside your home is an excellent way to help your kids be nature lovers.

You can add different types of flowers and plants to your home. It will get your kids to be familiar with the environment and nature and teach them to be nature-friendly and conserve for the benefit of the earth.

Tip 7 – Involve your kids in the decoration process

Ask for the color they want for their dedicated space, like their bedroom.

It is also a good idea to bring your kids when you shop for decorations to make them choose what they want best. The activity will make your children feel more inclusive in your home.

You should pattern your design to which your kids can relate within the house. Most young girls prefer designs like cartoon characters and colorful girly stuff. On the other hand, young boys might like comics and robots.

Tip 8 – Build a fort

Building a fort is necessary when you still have a baby or a toddler at home. You can fill the fort with cushions and pillows to keep the baby safe, and you may also add a blanket they can use whenever they want to nap.

The fort will be a place where you can leave your kids for a while while doing some chores.

Tip 9 – Bring hazards outside the reach of your kids

Having a kid around your home can cause panic among many first-time parents. You have to keep choking hazard items away from your kid’s reach. Many kids and toddlers usually put anything they hold inside their mouths. To prevent choking from happening, keep small things outside their reach.

Other hazard items like switches and plugs should also have covers. Some children could play on these things, which is very bad and can cause accidents.

Tip 10 – Embrace minimalist designs

Less is more. The minimalist design will help you to spot the things you need. Minimalist designs can give a calmer vibe to your home.

It makes decluttering easier and makes your home safer for your kids to play.

Minimalist designs are beneficial to a house with small spaces or apartment-type homes.

Embracing minimalism also enables your kids to feel content with what they have, and it will train them not to be excessive.

Chloe Miller

Chloe Miller, with a Bachelor’s in Interior Design from the New York School of Interior Design, has been an expert in home decor and design trends for 15 years. She joined our website in 2021, offering her expertise in space optimization, color schemes, and sustainable decor. Chloe’s prior experience includes working with interior design firms and as a freelance consultant. She is a DIY enthusiast and enjoys upcycling furniture in her spare time.

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