Every once in a while, there are disruptions to the electrical power. It can happen without warning, or you’ll receive a schedule for a power outage. Regardless of that, the uncertainty it brings can be bothersome, in which some can last for hours or even days, depending on its cause. It can disrupt the daily home routine, communications, water, and other things heavily relying on electricity. Therefore, it is best to be prepared before an extensive power outage occurs.

If you want to get through a power outage, whether unexpected or scheduled by your utility provider, here are several helpful tips to help you prepare.

1. Invest In An Emergency Backup Power

5 Ways To Get Through Power Outages

Life without electricity can be limiting, but you can be ready to get through any power outage by investing in the best portable power stations.

If you reside in an area where power outages occur frequently, consider investing in a generator installation or an emergency backup power source.. Most models available on the market can power small electronic devices such as mobile phones and laptops, while others can power several appliances, depending on the model and its added features. It’s also valuable for powering medical devices if a power outage occurs unexpectedly.

A portable power station is usually equipped with lithium-ion batteries. In most cases, you only need to charge the batteries for the portable power station to be fully functional. If you compare it with a generator that requires refilling with fuel, a power station stands out in terms of convenience.

Today, you may find a suitable portable power station with the right size and capacity. Depending on your household’s specific needs, invest in one that can cope with your usual power consumption. If you have the budget to splurge, go for a model capable of providing power for several days whenever the need arises.

2. Know The Medical Needs Of Your Household

One way to be ready for an unforeseen power outage is to prepare your household’s medical needs. An excellent start is to consult your doctor regarding a power outage plan, especially if you have medical devices that require electricity to function and medications requiring storage at a controlled temperature.

Make sure to figure out the length of time you can store medications at higher temperatures and obtain detailed instructions if you have any medications crucial for life.

3. Proper Use Of Appliances

During a power outage, switch off and disconnect appliances, electronics, and equipment from the outlet. If you are unable to do so, the power may be restored with momentary spikes or surges capable of causing damage to your devices.

Avoid using the oven or gas stovetop to warm up your home. A charcoal grill or generator should be used only outdoors, ideally at least 20 feet away from windows. The reason for this is that they release carbon monoxide, which can be a health hazard for your family.

4. Maintain Proper Storage Of Food

When a power outage occurs, you must have enough non-perishable food and water available. One of the key considerations is to keep the refrigerator and freezer closed at all times. Even without a power supply, refrigerators usually keep food in good condition for up to four hours, while fully packed freezers can maintain the right temperature for up to 48 hours or about two days. You can also utilize coolers with ice to keep some food and beverages cold throughout the power outage.

As a preparatory tip, consider reserving non-perishable food items. Some of these include canned soups, dried fruits, pasta, powdered milk, and cereals. You should have a manual can opener ready to open canned products easily.

Routinely monitor the temperatures using a thermometer. Once the temperature rises to 40 degrees or higher, it’s best to discard the food. Remember that food with an unusual color, smell, or texture after being exposed to 40 degrees or higher temperatures for up to two hours should be discarded.

5. Stay Connected With The Current Happenings

For many, feeling isolated can be detrimental, especially if the power outage lasts long. Therefore, make sure that you stay up to date with the current happenings with a battery-powered or crank emergency radio. If you have one, test it at least once every year and always have a supply of batteries available.

Final Thoughts

A power outage can disrupt normal routine and quality of life, especially one that lasts for hours or days. The uncertainty it causes can be a major dilemma, which is why it’s crucial to be ready. Fortunately, there are ways to go through a power outage. Considering these valuable preparatory measures will help you go through a power outage without experiencing much trouble until the power is restored.

Dominic Wong

Dominic Wong, holding a Master’s in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, has 20 years of experience in the home appliance sector. He joined our website as a freelancer in 20119, sharing his deep understanding of appliance functionality, energy efficiency, and consumer trends. Previously, Dominic worked in appliance design and testing. His background also includes roles in product development and consumer research. An advocate for sustainable technology, he enjoys mountain biking and experimenting with smart home gadgets in his spare time.

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