Before you dive into the pool or hit up a local park, think about how much heat exhaustion or heat stroke might hurt you. In fact, people who have been diagnosed with these conditions can’t exercise or stay active for long periods of time. So if you’re planning on enjoying these beautiful days at the beach or planning on swimming, this article is for you. Read on to learn about heat exhaustion/heat stroke and how to prevent it.

Symptoms of heat exhaustion

Signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion include:

  • Sweating is usually noticeable when you’re exposed to high temperatures for long periods of time.
  • Pale skin and dark-coloured lips or fingernails may appear after hours in direct sunlight under the scorching sun.
  • Muscle cramps can be felt throughout the body, such as leg or arm muscles becoming tight and painful.
  • Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea (if you’re not used to being outdoors).
  • You may also experience lightheadedness as well as dizziness

Symptoms of heatstroke

The symptoms of heatstroke include:

  • Increased body temperature
  • Red, hot, and dry skin
  • Rapid pulse rate (above 100) or cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)
  • Rapid breathing pattern with panting or heavy perspiration

Tips to prevent heat exhaustion/heat stroke

Avoid hot, enclosed places

Avoid standing in the sun and wearing loose clothing that can be easily drenched with sweat. If you do have to be outside in direct sunlight for long periods of time, drink plenty of water and wear sunscreen with a high SPF value.

When swimming outdoors, make sure to take frequent breaks from the water. This will help prevent heat exhaustion or heat stroke by allowing your body’s temperature to drop slightly while reducing your overall workload on the body.

Stay hydrated and up your cool fluid intake

Water is the best substance for keeping you cool, so make sure to drink plenty of it throughout the day. Make sure that you drink cold water—not just plain old tap water. If you’re going to be outside in hot weather, try drinking ice-cold tap water instead of lukewarm or warm ones. The cooler temperature will help keep your body temperature down and reduce sweating on your skin.

Eat well

Eat meals at regular times during the day (even if they’re small). This way, hunger doesn’t lead you to burn off unnecessary calories through an excessive activity like swimming.

Watch the heat

The heat index is a measurement of how hot it feels when the temperature is 100 degrees. The higher the heat index, the more dangerous it can be for your health and safety. For example, suppose you are in Los Angeles on July 4th, with a heat index of 110 degrees F/43 degrees C.

In that case, as long as you stay hydrated and wear lightweight clothing (and maybe even sunscreen), you will be safe.

The best way to prevent heat exhaustion or stroke during these times is by staying indoors until late afternoon before heading outside again.

Put on sunscreen

It’s important to ensure that you wear sunscreen every time you go swimming. Sunscreen is the most effective way to prevent skin cancer and sun damage. It should be worn no matter what time of year it is, especially during summer when sun exposure can cause serious health problems. Applying sunscreen correctly is also crucial. If applied too liberally or sloppily, it won’t work as well as it should (and may even irritate your skin).

Here are a few tips that will help you put on sunscreen the right way:

  • Apply moderate amounts all over your body
  • Avoid getting any in the eyes or ears
  • Reapply every two hours or after swimming/sweating heavily
  • Choose one with an SPF rating between 30-50
  • After applying lotions, make sure they’re completely dry before putting on clothing

Dress appropriately

Wear loose, light-coloured clothing that allows air to pass through it and a hat to shade your face from the sun. You should also wear sunglasses with good ventilation if you have them available.

Choose cool locations

The melbourne fibreglass pool, hot tub and shade should be shaded from the sun. The trees, lawns and other areas around your home should also be shaded from direct sunlight.

Block out direct sun and heat

If you’re outside, block out the direct sun with a parasol or umbrella. If you’re indoors, use a sunshade to keep your skin protected from the heat of the sun.

Use hats and sunglasses as needed—and don’t forget to stay hydrated!

Don’t get too hot—this can also cause heat exhaustion/heat stroke (and it can happen even if you aren’t swimming). It is important that you avoid excessive exertion in hot weather. You should also avoid alcoholic beverages because they may make you feel even worse.

Who is at risk for heat stroke or exhaustion?

People at risk for heat stroke or exhaustion include:

  • People with heart problems
  • People with high blood pressure
  • Pregnant women, as well as those who are trying to become pregnant
  • Breastfeeding mothers should avoid being in direct sunlight for extended periods of time due to the danger that it poses for their unborn child.
  • The elderly (65 and up) because they are more likely than younger adults to have preexisting conditions. This makes them more susceptible to heat-related illnesses like heat exhaustion/stroke.
  • People who are physically inactive on a regular basis. These include those who don’t exercise regularly or take part in strenuous activities often enough over the course of their lives. This also includes those who participate in sports but don’t practice them regularly enough either.


Heat stroke and heat exhaustion are serious medical conditions that can lead to death. You should take these symptoms seriously, and seek medical attention immediately if any of them develop. Also, it is important that you always wear a hat and often a shirt while outside or in hot places. If you are planning on going swimming, make sure that you keep the above-mentioned tips in mind. These will ensure that you and your loved ones are safe.

Maya Singh

Maya Singh is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University with a Master’s in Public Health who has been a prominent figure in health education and wellness advocacy for over 20 years. Her previous roles include public health researcher and wellness coach. She has provided insights into healthy living, disease prevention, and healthcare policies. Her background includes practicing in community health centers and lecturing at medical schools. She enjoys trail running and volunteering in health awareness programs in her leisure time. She is also a certified yoga instructor who passionately advocates holistic health approaches.

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