Are you planning on renovating your home? Whether you are working with a big area or something much smaller, looking to improve functionality or aesthetic appeal, or just giving a long-overdue refresh, there are some things to keep in mind.

A home renovation is a major undertaking, and to help you prepare, we’ve compiled the top five common mistakes to avoid so your renovation doesn’t become a time and money pit. Read this before picking up the tools!

Mistake #1: Failing to compare contractors

Your remodeling team is the key to your success. You may have been given a recommendation from a friend or simply just gone with the first name in the Google search, but not getting more than one quote for your contractors is a mistake.

The first step in any remodel requires sufficient time spent on due diligence. Think of some primary questions to suit your remodel, and give them to at least three contractor or designer options.

These questions can be around price, process, licenses, insurance, and above all, experience with similar projects. Vet your shortlist of contractors to be sure you are embarking on the remodel journey with the right team.

Mistake #2: No planning or scheduling

A detailed plan is crucial for home renovations and the right design-build team or contractor can help with this. A realistic understanding of how much time is needed per step in the project is vital. This will also help you form a more accurate budget and where you and your belongings need to move to during construction.

The schedule should feature a detailed timeline with major milestones and the tasks required to achieve them. This can also help determine when you’ll need to have the materials, fixtures, and appliances ready.

Keep in mind, it will be important to adapt your schedule in case of delays and even build in some buffer time to account for their inevitable arrival. Detailed scheduling before a project begins is the benchmark of a professional remodeling project and the key to your success.

Mistake #3: Not getting a permit

Permits, as annoying as they may be, exist for a reason. Avoiding legally required permits may seem like a shortcut, but they can cause significant expenses and delays down the track. Worst case scenario, your home renovation project may need to be demolished, and you do not want that.

Mistake #4: Failing to check behind the walls

If your remodel includes changes to the home’s structure, you’ll always want to check the existing plumbing, wiring, and structural support plans.

Many renovations try to create a modern, open floor plan, but the last thing you want to do is cause internal damage or compromise the structural integrity of your home. A professional designer will help you understand how to avoid this while making realistic functional and aesthetic improvements to your home.

Mistake #5: Overdoing the DIY

A home renovation project is a big job, and while many people think DIY tasks will save a lot of money, they forget to consider what their time is worth. In addition, if you are inexperienced in construction, unanticipated errors can be costly and unsafe.

Being hands-on and saving money by performing DIY tasks is certainly a good thing, but we recommend saving this for tasks like painting or laying floorboards. Larger tasks like plumbing or electrical work should be handled by professionals. Not only will this save you time, but you’ll also have peace of mind in knowing that it has been done properly.

Ensuring a successful remodel

While there are many more things to consider when remodeling your property, these are some of the key elements to keep in mind before you begin. A remodel is a big project, but the benefits can be very worthwhile!

Check out some of the other home improvement tips on Home Senator to learn how to make the most out of your property, and find all of the property inspiration you need!

Jackson Martin

Jackson Martin, holding a degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas, has been a prominent figure in the home improvement sector for over 18 years. He joined our team in 2020, sharing his expertise in renovation techniques, sustainable building practices, and DIY projects. Jackson's previous experience includes working in residential construction management and as a home renovation consultant. He is an advocate for energy-efficient homes and enjoys participating in local marathon events.

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