As we slowly move towards the warmer months, it is time to create your garden indoors and add a new life to your home. A lot of people are talking about green homes and looking for ways to include indoor plants and sustainable products in their personal spaces. A true green home is a place where everyone can relax as well as nurture their souls while being surrounded by nature at all times. If you are ready to bring the plants indoors, here’s a guide to help you with it.

In all honesty, there is nothing specifically unique about an indoor plant. It is nothing but a simple plant that can survive indoors. It is something that can live and grow under a roof and comes from subtropical climates so it is used to growing in low-light conditions.

You must remember that the indoor plants you bring home from the nursery could have been reared in a glasshouse which is usually temperature-controlled and the plant is used to frequent fertilizing and water. Your plants will need a little time to get used to the conditions in your home so keep up with the feed and water in the initial weeks and then gradually let them harden up. But never neglect them or they may die.

Choosing indoor plants

-Pick plants that suit your style

The first step you must take is to understand your interior style. You are putting a lot of time and effort to create an indoor garden and it should suit the style. If you have teak furniture, red highlights, or Balinese fabrics, you can have a tropical look and it will be enhanced with unique foliage shapes but easy-to-care plants like cane palm or Zanzibar gem. If your home is known for modern interiors and has simple and clean lines, you can jazz up the space with sculptural plants like a lady palm. Lastly, an antique look will go best with romantic ferns.

-Pick plants that purify the air

Your outdoor garden can give you a sense of belonging and peace and an indoor garden can give you space to relax and enjoy purified air. With some indoor plants in your home, you will be able to ensure that the toxins given from the carpet, furniture, or paint are out of the air. Studies have shown that indoor air is a lot more polluted than outdoor air and even one plant can go a long way in purifying the air. You will be able to breathe better and feel relaxed.

-Pick indoor pots

Remember to pick the pots first and keep in mind the colors, styles, sizes, and materials of the pots before you go out to buy the plants. You must look for styles that will complement the home. You can also opt for neutral colors since they blend well everywhere. They will also work well with the interior, even if you regularly change the wall paint or the carpet.

Once you have the pots ready, purchase a plant in a plastic pot and ensure it has drainage holes that will ensure it slips inside the decorative pots. Now you can simply move the plants wherever you want to. Do not plant directly in the terracotta or ceramic pots since they will get cold during the winter. Instead, plant them in plastic pots to keep them insulated.

Looking after the home and plants

-Take care of your home

Before you spend your time and money on indoor plants, it is important to ensure that you look after your home and the home appliances well. If you want to cut down on the costs of repair and ensure that an appliance breaking down does not put a dent in your wallet, remember to buy a home warranty. Do you research on different home warranties on sites such as to pick a policy that is suitable for you. It will make the job of maintaining your home easier and cheaper. This way, you will be able to spend more time looking after your indoor garden.

-Care for your plants

It is important to look after your plants in the best way. Do not give them too much water or too little water. Remember to water once or two times a week during summer and spring. In winter and autumn, you can cut down the watering frequency to once in two or three weeks. You can apply a granule feed two times a year in autumn and spring. That said, do pick off the older leaves so that new ones can grow.

These are a few tips to help you choose the right indoor plants for your home. Once you bring them home, it is up to you to notice any changes in how they look and feel. If you think that the plant is not getting enough light or needs less water, shift them near a window and reduce watering.

Caitlin Lopez

With a Bachelor’s in General Studies from the University of Michigan, Caitlin Lopez has been a versatile writer and advisor for 12 years. She joined various platform in 2019, offering practical tips and guidance on multiple topics, from household management to personal development. Her background includes working in magazine editorials and as a lifestyle blogger.Her previous experience includes roles in educational outreach and as a freelance content writer. Apart from work, she is a classical music aficionado and enjoys exploring different culinary traditions. She is a perfect gardening enthusiast and enjoys participating in community empowerment workshops.

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