Remodeling a kitchen is a substantial undertaking, but it provides an opportunity to design a customized culinary center that is both efficient and inviting. You’ll have a brand-new kitchen in no time if you understand how to budget and plan your renovations properly, or if you can find a reliable luxury kitchen design company to help you create your ideal kitchen space.

To help you along the way, here are a few essential tips and tricks that you should know before remodeling your kitchen.

Know Your Price

Kitchen remodeling is an expensive business, and it’s always good to run a few quotes from different companies to get an idea of the expenses you will incur. For most, it will cost between $3000 and $5000 to remodel a kitchen completely.

Of course, that price may be higher or lower depending on the quality of the materials you want. A hand-troweled smooth concrete is more expensive than a cheap tile floor, and an authentic marble countertop will raise the renovation costs more than a faux marble countertop.

When tackling renovations, a general rule of thumb is to set 80% of your max budget as your total project expenses. For example, if you can afford to put $5000 towards your kitchen renovation, then you should refer a budget of $4000 to the contractor and stick to that as much as possible.

There are generally no hidden fees associated with kitchen remodels, but some hiccups can make you spend more than you intended. Labor can take longer than expected, the price of materials may shift, or a conflict in the blueprint designs can prompt the need for additional repairs or renovations.

Saving that 20% extra allows you to address problems as they arise. It’s always better to set a portion of your budget aside so that you can finish a project to your liking rather than having to settle because you’re too far over budget.

It’s also important to recognize that you don’t need a major kitchen overhaul to see a significant change.

A light refresh of your cabinets, a new backsplash, and countertop replacements cost significantly less than a full-blown remodel but can seriously brighten the space.

Contrary to popular belief, there are better ways to improve the resale value of your home than fully remodeling your kitchen. Yes, a brand-new kitchen sells well, but the cost of repairs vastly overshadows any additional resale value you may get.

You will not recoup your cash with a complete remodel, so only stick to deep cleaning, painting, and other light touch-ups that don’t drain your wallet but can still improve the quality of the kitchen.

Plan Carefully

Miscommunication between you, the renovator, and the general contractor is one of the most significant reasons for wasted resources. It’s always important to lay out your specifications to the letter, even at the risk of sounding redundant.

If everyone’s on board with the project details, there’s a significantly lesser risk of a misstep that can cost you time and money. Not just that, but the layout of your kitchen is the most crucial factor in determining whether you like your new kitchen.

Everyone loves the prospect of switching things up, but if you hate your new layout, the project will feel like a significant waste of time and money.

Plan carefully and consult with your general contractor to craft a layout that benefits you and your family and confirm that the project is going according to plan. Consider the following aspects of kitchen remodeling that are essential to keep in mind from the get-go:

  • Lighting
  • Storage
  • Fixtures
  • Flow
  • Cabinets

These aspects, however, may differ from any plans to renovate an outdoor kitchen. While storage, lighting, flow, and fixtures might still be at the forefront of your kitchen design plans, outdoor kitchens have other aspects to consider such as:

Though outdoor kitchens are becoming more common, focusing on the forefront of lighting, storage, fixtures, flows, and cabinets in interior kitchen design will benefit any kitchen regardless of location.


Lighting can make or break a kitchen, and it’s essential to communicate with your contracting experts about how you want your lighting to look. Remember to inquire about feedback from your contractors, too.

More likely than not, they’ve been around the block a few times and will have some helpful tips on brightening your kitchen with lighting.


It happens to the best of us—focusing on aesthetics over practicality can be a foolish mistake in a kitchen. Still, it’s oh-so-tempting to install those Instagram-worthy open shelves and entirely neglect a dedicated storage space.

While an open-plan storage system looks pretty and works well enough when maintained, it’s not practical for most homeowners, and it’s always prudent to have an eye for your storage capacity in the kitchen when doing a remodel.


Your fixtures choices are also important. After all, they’re most likely where you’ll spend the most cash on renovations.

Don’t get swept away with the need to have brand-new fixtures and the latest designs; adding just a few modern touches can make your kitchen feel homely without such a massive bill looming over your renovation costs.


The flow of your kitchen is of the utmost importance in a renovation. If you’ve never done a kitchen remodel before, then you’ve likely never considered the impact that strategic positioning has on your kitchen. When everything is in the proper location, you can find everything easily, access your appliances comfortably, and tidy up consistently.

Whether you’re coming from a disaster of a kitchen layout or were happy with your old one, review your plans carefully to ensure everything resides in the best position for convenience.


Your cabinets are essential to a renovation, but not necessarily for their aesthetic value. If you have sloped floors, leaning walls, or corners that aren’t square, installing your cabinets might be more of a hassle. There are certainly workarounds, but the last thing you want to do is purchase new cabinets and not be able to install them where you want them.

The Bottom Line

Full-blown kitchen remodels can be a significant challenge. Still, with good planning, regular communication, and a commitment to staying on time and schedule, you’ll have your renovations done in no time to enjoy your brand-new kitchen.

You will be able to reap the fruits of your effort by having a kitchen that makes you happy and is an enjoyable place to cook and spend time with friends and family around a table or at the counter bar.

Jackson Martin

Jackson Martin, holding a degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas, has been a prominent figure in the home improvement sector for over 18 years. He joined our team in 2020, sharing his expertise in renovation techniques, sustainable building practices, and DIY projects. Jackson's previous experience includes working in residential construction management and as a home renovation consultant. He is an advocate for energy-efficient homes and enjoys participating in local marathon events.

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