Not all of us are naturally green-fingered, so many of us find gardening quite hard work. It’s a physically demanding activity that is messy, hard on the body and sometimes frustrating if something you planned didn’t turn out as expected.

If this sounds like you, it might be time to invest in some garden tools that will make your life a little easier and guarantee great results. Here are just a few suggestions.


Anyone who’s attempted to grow fruit and vegetables in their garden will know that they require regular care and attention, all of them needing different amounts of water and sunlight, making a full crop something of a dream-come-true.

And whilst you might be giving them all the water, sunlight and nutrients they need, all your hard work will be undone if they’re gobbled up by a hungry slug or snail. Protect your crop with a polytunnel and enjoy a great crop throughout the year.

Plant monitors

How do you know if your plants are healthy? For a novice gardener, it can be difficult to tell if your plants are doing well and adapting to their environment. Let a plant monitor do all the hard work for you and ensure that your plants are healthy.

Not only do they track light and humidity, but they also record moisture levels and analyse the soil, working out what nutrients are in there and if they’re suitable for your plant. What’s more, you can follow the data on an app on your phone!

Robotic lawn mowers

Perfect for anyone who hates mowing the lawn or simply doesn’t have enough time to do it, a robotic lawn mower is one of the hardest-working devices you can buy for your garden.

Not only do they maintain your lawn, but they can also be customised to keep your lawn healthy and trim your grass to your preferred length. Models range in capabilities, but it’s best to invest in an inbuilt weather sensor so it doesn’t go out on rainy days.

Heavy duty pruners

If you have trees in your garden, you’ll know that they need a little TLC every now and again. Pruning is an important part of tree maintenance, keeping it healthy and making sure that it doesn’t overgrow. With a pair of heavy-duty pruners, you can cut through big branches easily.

Memory foam knee pad

As already mentioned, gardening is taxing on the body. It also involves a lot of crouching and kneeling. Protect your knees with a memory-foam knee pad; they’re shock-absorbent and offer customised support for your knees so you can enjoy supreme comfort time and time again.

Morgan Wilson

Morgan Wilson, holding a Master's in Horticulture from Cornell University, has been an influential figure in gardening and landscape design for over 15 years. Before this, he worked as a landscape designer and a horticultural therapist. He has provided insights into organic gardening, native landscaping, and urban gardening solutions. Her background includes working in public gardens and environmental education. He is a nature photographer in her spare time and participates in community greening projects. He is also a great birdwatcher and enjoys creating wildlife-friendly garden spaces.

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