Selling a home isn’t always a simple process, especially if you’re inexperienced and don’t anticipate the difficulties. Setting an unreasonably high asking price may cause your home to remain in the market for a long time. Familiarizing yourself with the problems you may face during a home sale will help you prepare better to boost your selling chances. The common challenges you are likely to face when selling your home are discussed below.

Handling emotions

There are many emotions that come with selling a property that you have been calling for a long time. Uncertaintinity, stress, and nervousness are a few of the emotions you are likely to encounter when selling your home. To avoid these emotions, ensure that you are certain that you truly want to sell your home. It’s crucial to keep in mind that it’s a business or a necessary decision and keeping emotions out of any decisions is for your own good.

Market timing

Real estate is volatile, so timing makes all the difference when you want to sell a house. For example, in most real estate markets, spring is when families look for new homes and want to close before a new school year begins. Additionally, you’ll be at a disadvantage if you sell in a buyer’s market

This means your home may remain in the market for a longer period of time and could end up selling for less. Consider taking advantage of a seller’s market when demand is usually higher than supply, meaning you’re in control of pricing your home and may gain a much higher return on investment.

Home pricing

Pricing a home to sell is a great challenge for most homeowners, especially when it’s their first time. Pricing your home right spikes the interest of most buyers, leading to a quick sale. Overpricing your home means you may not get any offers from prospective buyers, and if the house stays longer in the market, they may start thinking that it has issues.

For proper pricing, research homes with similar features within your area to see how much they’re going for. This will give you a clue on the price range. You can also consult a real estate agent for proper pricing.

Preparing your home for sale

There’s a lot you can do to get your home ready for sale. However, not all repairs and renovations are worthwhile. Based on your home’s condition, you can do some quick fixes that have a high return on investment, such as painting, roof leak repairs, and plumbing fixes.

You may also consider remodeling projects that can potentially guarantee extremely high returns, including roof replacement and kitchen/ bathroom remodel. Before investing in any repairs and replacements, ensure that they have a high chance of paying off. If not, sell your home as-is to home buying companies or developers.

Selling costs

Selling a home isn’t free, so anticipate covering some costs. Home selling costs may include the real estate agent’s commission, pre-sale home inspection, home staging, mortgage payment, capital gains tax, property tax, closing costs, and other additional costs.


Knowing the common challenges you’re likely to face when selling your home prepares you better. While some difficulties you can control, others are beyond your control, so prepare and anticipate.

Ellie Chen

Ellie Chen is a graduate of New York University with a Master’s in Real Estate who has been an expert in property market trends and real estate investment for over 12 years. Her previous roles include working in real estate brokerage and as a property analyst. She has provided insights into real estate marketing, property management, and investment strategies. Her background includes roles in real estate development firms and as an agent. Beyond work, she is a great hiker and a volunteer in housing affordability programs. She is also a passionate urban cyclist and enjoys participating in community development initiatives.

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