If you want to add a new look to your home as your bored looking at the same walls, upholstery and furniture then a home upgrade might be the right solution for you. A bathroom upgrade is one of the most value adding remodelling projects and can deliver a lot within a limited budget too. As per data, for every dollar that you spend on bathroom renovation you will add $1.7 to the value of your home.

When you are considering a bathroom renovation Sydney, it is good to be aware of the latest remodelling trends. You can then plan your bathroom renovation accordingly.

Top trends in bathroom remodelling

Fashion is very dynamic and change very quickly. The top trend for this year that you come across will depend on the source of information that you are referring to.

Everyone has different requirements from a bathroom remodelling project, someone may be looking for fresh colours while others may look for upgraded cabinets with sliding wardrobe. Whatever is your budget, it is advisable that you look for styles that are timeless and add value to your home.

Take a look at what is trending in the bathroom remodelling space:

  • Natural finish: The overall trend for homes is moving towards a natural look, with either natural wood or stone. This year this trend has reached the bathroom too. Natural wood flooring, lighter shades in cabinetry and stone countertops are trending.
  • Smart bathrooms: A few years back it was all about smart homes, now the trend is of smart bathrooms so get rid of the heat lamps. Many of us spend a lot of time using our smartphones in the bathroom. Fixtures like charging stations and viewing stations, high-tech toilet seats that have self-cleaning feature and shower systems operated with voice command are some of the smart bathroom elements that are trending.
  • Victorian charm: A lot of homeowners are gravitating towards old fashioned styles. Clawfoot bathtubs, brass fixtures and penny-tile flooring are some of the elements that are being used frequently.
  • Modern lines: On the flip side of grand and ornate stuff, you will see a trend of modern clean lines. Modern cabinets that are minimalistic in nature, free-floating toilets and sinks are trending.
  • Tiles: Homeowners are now looking for more value from their investment. The use of texture combinations for creating a subtle impact is on the rise. More homeowners are preferring these instead of the plain and utilitarian porcelain squares.

Whether you are looking for a complete renovation or just a refresh of colours and paints, you will need a good professional to do the job for you. A bathroom renovation is also a good opportunity to get your plumbing checked and if there any potential issues get those fixed. An expert will come with the necessary skills and tools to do the remodelling well and give you the bathroom that you yearn for. Look through recommendations and feedbacks and select the most reputed bathroom remodelling professional who can do the job right the first time itself.

Jackson Martin

Jackson Martin, holding a degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas, has been a prominent figure in the home improvement sector for over 18 years. He joined our team in 2020, sharing his expertise in renovation techniques, sustainable building practices, and DIY projects. Jackson's previous experience includes working in residential construction management and as a home renovation consultant. He is an advocate for energy-efficient homes and enjoys participating in local marathon events.

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