Asbestos is a known carcinogen and a known cause of lung disease. It can be found in many homes, schools, and businesses around the country. If you own an older building made with asbestos-containing materials (ACMs), it’s important to know how to remove it safely.

A licensed asbestos contractor must do the asbestos removal.

A licensed asbestos contractor must do the asbestos removal. These professionals are trained to handle the process and have specialized equipment that can withstand the pressure of working with asbestos. Asbestos removal is a complex process requiring special training to ensure safety during this delicate process. It’s also important that you choose an experienced contractor who has experience dealing with asbestos material in their line of work.

Asbestos does not naturally break up into tiny particles as other building materials do; instead, it becomes brittle and breaks apart into long strands when exposed to heat or moisture—which makes it more likely for them to become airborne during renovations or repairs on your home if left undisturbed! This means your home could become contaminated as soon as there’s even slight movement around any potential sources (like drywall being torn down).

The closed circuit environment

Unfortunately when asbestos fibers are released into a home, these will re-circulate over time as the home is a closed loop environment, with the exception of some homes that have ehaust fans to get rid of old air and bring new air in. But the common home is not privy to such luxury.

This is why it is very important to capture all fibers during remediation or a clean up. Otherwise these fibers are recirculated and the occupants have a chance to inhale them with each pass, causing a prolonged health concern for the inhabitants.

It is prolonged exposure that poses a serious health concern as the fibers get lodged in the lungs and accumulate over time. A one time exposure to minor amounts of chrysotile has not been proven to pose any prolonged health concerns.

You will not be able to re-enter your home until it is safe.

You will not be able to re-enter your home until it is safe. The removal process can take several days, and it is often messy. It may also be dangerous for you or your family members still in the home. Furthermore, if any other people are living in your house (such as roommates), they can only come back once their possessions have been removed from their rooms and stored somewhere else temporarily until they can move into new housing together.

The removal process can also be noisy—this is especially true when all of the pipes under the floorboards need repair before they’re replaced with new ones, when all of these pipes are being replaced at once, or even just because someone has decided that he wants his entire kitchen cabinet removed without telling anyone else first! Finally, asbestos abatement costs $500-$1k per room, depending upon how many square feet each contains, plus additional fees for other services such as removing floors/walls etc.

Asbestos removal is a complex process that professionals should only handle.

Asbestos can be found in many different types of materials, including:

  • Roofing and siding sheeting
  • Insulation material like spray polyurethane foam (SPF) or rock wool insulation
  • Cementitious bonding compounds used in buildings like concrete blocks, bricks and mortar

You may be thinking whether to hire a professional or not but when dealing with such sensitive materials, it is best to leave this task to professionals here at with experience handling these situations. One minor mistake could contaminate one’s home. In terms of DIY projects, we don’t see this one as having a high enough reward to tackle oneself.

Emma Chen

Emma Chen holds a degree in Public Health from the University of Washington and has dedicated 13 years to promoting healthy and sustainable cleaning practices. Since joining us as a freelancer in 2020, Emma has shared her expertise in non-toxic cleaning solutions, indoor air quality, and allergen reduction. Her experience includes working in community health programs and as a health educator, which shows in her writing. Emma is a yoga instructor in her free time and participates in community clean-up drives.


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