Boiler breakdowns are inevitable. Even the most well-serviced and maintained boiler can have glitches, forcing you to deal with the cold temperature. Ensuring you are well-prepared in case of a boiler breakdown can help you survive the ‘cold’ period before a technician can fix it. Below are some of the best and recommended ways to stay comfortable and toasty should the worst happen.

1. Consider/Switch to Electric Heaters

Electric heaters have been around for some time and are the best alternative when your boiler is ‘out of service.’ Electric heaters are pretty versatile, ranging from small, portable, and even large/oil-filled heaters. You can thus choose to use a portable heater to keep the main room warm. Here is a brief outline of the various electric heaters to choose from.

– Fan heaters: These are often small and easy to move around with. While small and convenient, they can be noisy, especially in quiet environments. Convector or oil-filled electric heaters are quieter.

– Convector heaters: Convector heaters are a little larger than fan heaters, usually taller and slim, but light enough to move around the room or house. You can also choose to mount the heater on the wall for convenience and improved safety. Convector heaters are also more expensive.

– Oil-filled heaters: This electric heater is more energy efficient and cheaper to run in the long run. The only downside here is that it takes time to heat up and is quite heavy. Some models, however, come fitted with wheels that make moving it around easier.

As mentioned before, electric heaters are considerably cheap and affordable for all. You can even order one online and have it delivered to your home. It is also straightforward to set up, making for an easy fix if the central heater breaks down.

Investing in a good electric heater would be wise if you only wish to heat one room. Electric heaters are convenient and efficient, especially in common rooms such as the living or study rooms. Firing up a portable heater is enough to keep you warm and comfortable.

2. Look For A Backup Immersion Water Heater

Most modern homes are equipped with a backup immersion water heater. The backup heater is electric-powered; hence can be turned on to heat up the water in the boiler should the main system fail. It is often referred to as a mega-flow boiler.

If your home isn’t equipped with one, you don’t necessarily have to brace a cold shower. Use your leisure center or gym membership and take advantage of their heated showers. You only need to leave the house earlier than usual to pass by the gym and enjoy a warm shower. The good old electric kettle is an excellent option for warming water. You only need to boil a few liters to get enough for your shower. Electric kettles aren’t however energy efficient, hence not recommended for multiple runs.

3. Hot Water Bottles

A hot water bottle is a convenient and cheap way to get extra heat, especially on cold and chilly nights. You only need to boil a few cups of water, fill the water bottle, and then keep it in your bed or sofa. Hot water bottles can keep the water warm for longer, hence recommended for all.

4. Use Old Towels and Blankets

Who said old blankets and towels are useless? Covering yourself up with these blankets provides an extra insulation layer to keep you warm and comfortable. Use the old towels to seal up draughty door frames and windows to keep the heat in as well.

5. Layer Up

Dressing warm is one of the best ways to beat cold, outside or indoors. This however means putting on more clothes than you are used to. Underneath jumpers, vests, long-sleeve t-shirts, tights, and joggers are excellent for this situation. Remember to invest in warm cotton socks and gloves for additional cold protection.

6. Consider Investing in Boiler Cover

A boiler cover provides additional insulation that helps keep the water inside hot/warm for longer. Investing in good quality boiler cover makes the boiler more energy efficient and can come in handy if the boiler fails. Investing in the right one could make your life easier during a breakdown, especially in the heart of winter.

Although investing in a good boiler cover can help earn you a few more hours of hot water, it is highly advisable to have your boiler serviced regularly. Consider scheduling extensive service at least once a year with a reputable technician. Regular maintenance and proper servicing is the key to minimizing the risk of boiler breakdown. It also makes the boiler more efficient and durable.

Dominic Wong

Dominic Wong, holding a Master’s in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, has 20 years of experience in the home appliance sector. He joined our website as a freelancer in 20119, sharing his deep understanding of appliance functionality, energy efficiency, and consumer trends. Previously, Dominic worked in appliance design and testing. His background also includes roles in product development and consumer research. An advocate for sustainable technology, he enjoys mountain biking and experimenting with smart home gadgets in his spare time.

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