What if your decoration could reflect your family values? The family tree wall decal has rapidly gained popularity not only because of its symbolic side but also because of its aesthetic value. The living room usually rhymes with family gatherings, sharing and celebrating, so that it seems like the perfect space to place your family tree wall decal.

Let’s discover a few ideas to combine emotion and creativity to have the best family tree wall decal for your living room.

Let your family tree stickers adopt your living room shapes and colors!

Using a family tree wall decal to personalize your living room decoration is such a great idea. However, you need to find the perfect fit with the dimensions and colors of your existing furniture and walls. The most attractive emplacement would be most of the time the wall behind your sofa but still that you should opt for the perfect family tree dimensions. Ideally, it should have the same dimensions as your sofa, maybe slightly larger or even if it’s smaller try to place it in the middle. If your living room is a lounge corner, your family tree would look gorgeous if you place it right at the corner. Whatever the position is, try to make your family tree appear as a focal point in your décoration.

Let the number impose the design!

The choice of the design of your family tree wall decal should be based on the number of the members that would like to represent. If you have a large family and you absolutely want to place all of them, try to opt for the appropriate designs and the largest wall. In this case avoid complicated and charged designs and go for fine lines and minimalistic shapes.

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Arrange collective and individual photos to gain space and to enhance the design!

If you don’t have too much space to represent all your family members you can simply opt for collective photos which create more effect and make you gain space. Nevertheless you still can add individual photos of your children and create a cute and beautiful dynamic between the generations.

Opt for the most creative and personalized designs!

From the most popular to the craziest designs of family tree wall decals, you can choose the one that better reflects your story and values. You should also take into consideration the theme and the color pallet of your living room. There are different colors, shapes and dimensions and they could be with or without leaves. You can opt for the most sophisticated designs or go for a basic one and personalize it with different photo frames, add quotes or special messages, add birds, butterflies, nests, cages or any matchy decorative item. Just express your emotions freely and trust your creativity.

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Choose different photos themes to better show your family values!

Your family tree decal would perfectly represent your family members but it could also reflect key moments in your story. Take the time to choose the most meaningful photos like births, birthdays, family trips, first steps…Do it on the rhythm of your feelings, there is no rule especially that you still can change the photos from time to time.

Chloe Miller

Chloe Miller, with a Bachelor’s in Interior Design from the New York School of Interior Design, has been an expert in home decor and design trends for 15 years. She joined our website in 2021, offering her expertise in space optimization, color schemes, and sustainable decor. Chloe’s prior experience includes working with interior design firms and as a freelance consultant. She is a DIY enthusiast and enjoys upcycling furniture in her spare time.

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