It’s that time of year again! As the excitement builds and plans to reunite with loved ones are confirmed, we jump into hyper-mode, taking care of the thousand things that need to be done before work, school, and the malls shut down, and Christmas is officially here.

But what if, in that massive rush, you really need to get your house in order before you start entertaining guests? There are a few things you can pull off that, while relatively small, can have a significant effect on the way a room, hallway or entrance way looks.

The trick is to choose strategically, like sprucing up your foyer and the dining room, because you want to make a good first impression when guests arrive, and they’ll be spending most of the evening in the dining room.

Wherever you choose to concentrate your efforts, the following home improvements can be made quickly and cost-effectively.

A Fresh Coat of Paint

Is there an area of your home you’ve wanted to change up but just didn’t know what to do with or even had the time to do it? A fresh coat of paint can do wonders for any space in your home. It can transform it completely or just make it look brand new. By simply painting a single wall, ceiling or floor, you can make it look like you’ve had a space renovated

And the best part is the holiday season is when house paint is at its cheapest, and you can hire house painters for less than it costs at any other time in the year because this is their off-season – which also means quicker turnaround times to get your house painted.

Give Your Windows a Facelift

Your blinds, shutters, drapes, etc., can drastically change the look of a room. If your blinds or curtains are outdated, you may be able to find luxurious-looking lined draperies in materials like silk, linen, and cotton at a reasonable price, if any are still available.

If not, or if you are saving money or just need a temporary fix, your other option is to find the right color or pattern of your favorite material, if you’re handy with a sewing machine, and make your own custom drapes that look exactly the way you want them to.

Don’t Forget the Bathrooms

Depending on how many people you’re hosting, you should probably assume that every bathroom in the house will be put to service. So, if you have that one in the basement you haven’t seen in months, check to make sure it’s not embarrassingly dirty.

A couple of quick fixes that can freshen up a bathroom include replacing the grout, fixtures and/or the toilet seat. If it has a shower, changing the rod and curtain can also make a vast improvement. Changing the doorknob is also a good idea if it hasn’t been done yet.

Jackson Martin

Jackson Martin, holding a degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas, has been a prominent figure in the home improvement sector for over 18 years. He joined our team in 2020, sharing his expertise in renovation techniques, sustainable building practices, and DIY projects. Jackson's previous experience includes working in residential construction management and as a home renovation consultant. He is an advocate for energy-efficient homes and enjoys participating in local marathon events.

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