Moving is a stressful adventure, and it is hard to organize all your business and keep everything under control. There is always a risk of missing something. Along with experts from Shark Moving company in South Florida, we decided to prepare you for your next move and made a moving checklist! Using a simple timeline, this moving to-do list will help you focus on specific areas of your moving and packing tasks to keep you on track and ensure you’re ready when the moving day comes. Best of all, it’s broken down into easy-to-follow sections so you can tackle the pre-move process piece by piece as you work your way through the entire checklist.

Two Months Before

  • Sort and purge your belongings. Decide what you want to keep and what you can get rid of. Consider which items will require special packing or extra insurance coverage.
  • Research moving companies in South Florida. Get quotes from multiple companies and request an on-site estimate. Make sure the company is registered with the U.S. Department of Transportation and has a USDOT number.
  • Create a moving binder. Keep all of your estimates, receipts, and an inventory of your belongings in one place.
  • Organize your children’s school records. Arrange for their records to be transferred to their new school district.

Six Weeks Before

  • Order moving supplies: boxes, tape, Bubble Wrap, and permanent markers. Don’t forget to order specialty containers, such as dish barrels or wardrobe boxes.
  • Use up items you don’t want to move: frozen or perishable foods and cleaning supplies.
  • Take measurements: of the rooms in your new home, to make sure larger pieces of furniture will fit through the door.

One Month Before

Moving day is coming soon! Here are some things you need to do to finalize your moving plans.

  • Choose a moving company in South Florida. Get quotes from multiple companies and choose one that you feel comfortable with.
  • Get a written estimate. This will help you avoid any surprises on a moving day.
  • Start packing your belongings. Start by packing the items you use the least, such as seasonal clothes or decorations.
  • Label each box clearly. This will help you find what you need quickly when you unpack.
  • Pack a box of essentials. This should include things like clothes, toiletries, and food.
  • Keep your valuables safe. Pack them in a safe place that you’ll transport yourself.
  • Do a change of address. This will ensure that your mail gets forwarded to your new address.
  • Notify important parties of your move. This includes banks, credit card companies, insurance companies, and so on.
  • Forward your medical records. This will ensure that your healthcare providers have your most up-to-date information.

Two Weeks Before

  • Take a day off work. This is your chance to supervise the move and make sure everything goes smoothly.
  • Get your car tuned up. A well-maintained car will make the drive to your new home more comfortable and less stressful.
  • Clean out your safe-deposit box. This is a good time to take inventory of your valuables and make sure they’re all safe and secure.
  • Contact the moving company. Double-check the details of your move and make sure they know you’ll be there to supervise.

One Week Before

  • Refill your prescriptions. This will help you avoid any headaches or delays on moving day.
  • Pack your suitcases. This will free up space in your home so you can start packing other belongings.
  • Gather your essentials. This includes things like toiletries, medications, and chargers.
  • Get organized. This will help you stay calm and collected on moving day.

A Few Days Before

  • Defrost your freezer. This will help ensure that your food is safe to eat after the move.
  • Double-check the details. This will help you avoid any last-minute surprises.
  • Plan for payment. This will help you avoid any awkward conversations with the movers.
  • Be prepared for anything. Moving can be unpredictable, so it’s important to be prepared for anything.

Moving Day

  • Verify the south Florida moving company. Make sure the moving truck that shows up is from the company you hired. The USDOT number painted on its side should match the number on the estimate you were given.
  • Take inventory of your belongings. Before the movers leave, sign the bill of lading/inventory list and keep a copy. This will help you track your belongings and ensure that everything is accounted for.
  • Be present during the move. This will give you peace of mind, knowing that your belongings are being handled with care.
  • Trust your gut. If something doesn’t feel right, speak up. You have the right to refuse service from any moving company.
Ayush Bhansin

Ayush Bhansin has a degree in General Studies focusing on Interdisciplinary Sciences from Harvard University and has been a versatile contributor and analyst for 12 years. He offers a broad perspective on topics ranging from technology to lifestyle. His previous experience includes roles in market research and as a freelance journalist. He has brought his broad knowledge to various general content, providing insightful analysis and commentary. He is an emerging technology enthusiast and actively participates in various intellectual forums. He is also a classical music aficionado and enjoys exploring different culinary traditions.

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