Do the suburbs now seem appealing to you? Americans seem to be trading in their big-city abodes and moving into suburban houses where the new work-from-home model and social distancing work out well for everyone.

Having spent almost a year and a half stuck in a small apartment can give you cabin fever. Finding more living space may seem more appealing now that things are going back to some sense of normalcy. Are you curious about the kind of luxuries you will experience in the suburbs? You may be thinking that you need to sell your house fast and move out of the city. Check out these three surprising luxuries of living in the suburbs

Huge Amounts of Glorious Space

The biggest and most luxurious change will be all the lovely indoor and outdoor spaces you will have. Owning large homes with more than one bedroom and more than one bathroom means everyone can have their own room, and you can have optimal privacy. Not to mention, you won’t have to hear any of the neighbor’s nonsense because people don’t live so close together.

You can enjoy having a wonderful yard where you can watch the stars and listen to the natural sounds of twilight. From backyard barbecues, cute swimming portable pools, or even natural outdoor pools to outdoor swings, it will all seem like a luxurious way to pamper yourself when you compare it to your space-saving life in the city. Moving to the suburbs may not be super cheap, but you usually get a lot more property for your money. If you are looking for a larger home with some great high-end features, the suburbs are the place to go.

Give Your Kids What They Deserve

Many suburbs are home to wonderful school districts. Suburban schools are less crowded and have more teachers. In addition, kids are usually more friendly in the suburbs, and there are tons of school and outdoor activities for them to enjoy. Kids who go to a certain school live near other students, making it easier to make playdates and events that kids will love. Let’s not forget, you need something more than just the kids in your life. Participating in child-friendly events will also help you make more friends.

An added benefit to this luxury is the fact that suburban neighborhoods are safer than city areas. It is usually safer for kids who want to go bike riding, skateboarding, or simply go for a walk around the neighborhood.

Peace and Quiet

The third luxury you will enjoy is peace. No traffic sounds, no loud honking, screaming on the street, blaring sirens. In the suburbs, all you’ll hear are the crickets creating their nightly song or the lightning bugs lighting up the night as you enjoy the stars. If this is your ideal type of environment, consider selling your home and moving to the suburbs.

Bottom Line

The suburbs have some great luxuries that you haven’t been able to enjoy because you have been living in the convenience of the city. Now, after Covid-19, the city is no longer as convenient as it once was. The question remains: what are you waiting for? Come out to the suburbs, enjoy life, paint the house with ralph lauren and live the life of luxury.

Ellie Chen

Ellie Chen is a graduate of New York University with a Master’s in Real Estate who has been an expert in property market trends and real estate investment for over 12 years. Her previous roles include working in real estate brokerage and as a property analyst. She has provided insights into real estate marketing, property management, and investment strategies. Her background includes roles in real estate development firms and as an agent. Beyond work, she is a great hiker and a volunteer in housing affordability programs. She is also a passionate urban cyclist and enjoys participating in community development initiatives.

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