Selling your home can be very challenging, especially with the current competitive market. While you may provide the best offer, some may still prefer to purchase a home with great staging and decoration of best paint on the wall, as it allows them to imagine what it’ll be like to live there fully. With that, staging a home is very important and shouldn’t be ignored.

As you sell your home, you can sell it bare or stage and decorate it. Letting the room be empty could be easier, but decorating will help increase your chances of generating a sale. Ideally, you should sell your house to a real estate agent, direct buyer, or firms that buy and sell properties like Gem State Cash Offer; and you should be able to get immediate returns of your investment.

With that in mind, here are some decorating tips to guarantee a home sale:

1. Use Neutral Colors

When decorating your home, try not to be too experimental with your designs. While you might think trying out fun, loud, and bold colors would show your quirky side, not every potential home buyer might appreciate that, leaving with a wrong impression of your home. Additionally, not everyone could imagine what a house would look like without those colors, especially when the room screams for it.

To be on the safe side, you could use neutral colors such as white or gray for your wall colors and add darker shades like burgundy or dark green for accents and decorations. This way, you can still allow the homebuyers to be more creative when rethinking the space.

2. Include Plants And Flowers

Any house would look homier and inviting if you add life inside it. Ideally, you should add some indoor plants and flowers that can help brighten up the room. This way, there’ll be soft touches of green that any potential buyer would appreciate as they surround themselves with fresh air.

Before purchasing indoor plants and flowers, you have to make sure you know the care instructions, as different types have various needs to live. Moreover, you should also pick the right containers and pots, so they could add to your home’s overall look. If you think you aren’t ready to care for live plants, fake ones can still help to provide the same ambiance.

3. Add The Right Furniture

As you stage your home, you’ll need to add furniture to give people insight into how the house will look once fully furnished. With furniture, however, make sure you add the right kind and size. You might think yourself a great decorator when you add huge sofas, but if the set you got doesn’t fit your living room comfortably, you’ll make the space look overcrowded and full.

Preferably, go for the right size of furniture that still gives people enough room to walk in and move around. You can just look for alternatives that can allow maximum seating capacity without overcrowding the floor area. This way, you can make the living room more inviting.

4. Style The Bedroom

3d rendering. modern living room in townhouse.

One favorite part of a home for buyers is the bedroom, as it’s a space where they can relax and end their day. With that, you may want to make your prospective buyers feel the calmness and comfort of the bedroom by decorating it well.

You can begin by adding a mattress with soft comforters, adding fluffy pillows that match the comforter and the bed frame. To be on the safe side, you should use neutral colors—preferably white, brown, or gray—to allow the buyers to imagine themselves on the bed. You can also add in a wide carpet under the bed for a cozier feel.

As you style your bedroom, make sure you leave a space for a TV right in front of the bed, as some people would love to watch a movie before they hit the hay. You could also add a small working station that can allow people to work while at home.

5. Maximize Light Exposure

When touring the property during the day, it’d be great to show buyers the potential of your house by opening all the curtains and blinds and allowing natural light to brighten up their home. With a naturally airy and bright light, people would be more interested in buying your home, especially since natural light can help them save money with their electricity bills—plus it can make the room more vibrant and fresher.

Apart from opening the curtains, you should also update the lighting fixture inside your home by adding cove lights and statement chandeliers that’d blend well in your home. You can add drop lights on the counter by the kitchen and use a brilliant chandelier by the staircase or high ceiling. A small change of light can immediately increase your property’s appeal.


Decorating can be challenging, especially if you don’t know each buyer’s specific styles and preferences. To avoid risks, adopt neutral colors and designs to allow everyone to imagine what it’d be like if it were their home. Moreover, your main priority is to make the house homey and comfortable, so buyers can imagine themselves relaxing in your home at the end of the day. By following these decorating tips, you can guarantee a home sale.

Chloe Miller

Chloe Miller, with a Bachelor’s in Interior Design from the New York School of Interior Design, has been an expert in home decor and design trends for 15 years. She joined our website in 2021, offering her expertise in space optimization, color schemes, and sustainable decor. Chloe’s prior experience includes working with interior design firms and as a freelance consultant. She is a DIY enthusiast and enjoys upcycling furniture in her spare time.

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