Whether you’re using self-storage in the long or short term, it’s essential to keep your storage unit clutter-free. However, it’s impossible to organize your unit logically without preparing beforehand. If you want to ensure your items stay safe and clean, try our great packing tips.

How to Prepare Your Storage Unit

Before you load your items into the storage unit or start packing, you need to pick a self-storage company. For example, if you live in Arizona, you can find plenty of cheap Phoenix self-storage units. It’s important to make sure the company utilizes security systems as a bare minimum.

However, you may need a temperature-controlled until for sensitive items. If it isn’t climate controlled, lay down sheets of plastic or wooden pallets to act as a guard against moisture. Invest in plastic storage bins, build shelving, and clean the unit before moving your things.

How to Pack For Your Storage Unit

Different types of items need to be packed a certain way before they’re put in a storage unit. Furniture, electronics, clothing, appliances, and books all need their own delicate touch.

  1. Furniture: Break down bulky furniture to create more storage space. Cover everything with old sheets, towels, and quilts to keep dirt and moisture at bay. Before storing your furniture, clean it thoroughly by washing and vacuuming wood and fabric items.
  2. Clothing: If you want to store your summer or winter clothing in a unit, make sure it’s sealed in a plastic bag, a trunk, or a box. Add mothballs, oxygen absorbers, and silica packets to prevent mold growth and bugs from living or eating your clothing.
  3. Electronics: Some electrons can be broken down safely, like computer towers or steamers. At the bare minimum, you can remove cords and cables. Enclose your electronics in a waterproof bag and cover loose equipment with plastic sheets.
  4. Fragile Items: Anything that could break easily, like glass cookware or china, should be wrapped individually with bubble wrap or newspapers. Keep them in a sturdy box, and don’t place anything on top of them. Fragile items should be placed on shelves.
  5. Appliances: Your microwave, refrigerator, and washer and dryer may need to be stored when you move. If that’s the case, deep clean them, remove any flammable liquids, and open anything with a door. It’s better to keep these items in a climate-controlled unit.
  6. Books: Anything made of paper is sensitive to mold and mildew. Air out your books, preferably in an oxygen-free bag, then wrap them in an acid-free archival paper. Keep your books flat to prevent warping. Pack your books in small boxes for an easier move.

If possible, organize your home weeks before the move, so you can take small trips to and from your storage unit. When you do this, you’ll be able to slowly move your things instead of scrambling at the last minute. Or, you can drop off your storage items in your moving truck.

How to Organize Your Storage Unit

You can’t just throw all your items in your storage unit; you need to organize it. Not only does this waste space, but it also makes it harder for you to find your items when you need them.

  • Put needed items in the front
  • Label all of your boxes
  • Make an inventory of your items
  • Leave paths wide enough to walkthrough
  • Create a map that details where everything is
  • Stack items on top of big furniture
  • Don’t stack heavy items on fragile boxes
  • Always put trunks or bins at the bottom

If you find that you can’t fill up your storage unit, consider asking the company for a smaller unit. You’ll save money this way, and you may be able to upgrade to a temperature-controlled unit.

Cameron Green

Cameron Green is a graduate of the University of Colorado with a degree in Business Logistics. He has been a self-storage expert and consultant for 15 years. His prior experience includes managing a self-storage facility and logistics planning. His background includes roles in operations management and as a professional organizer. In his free time, he is an amazing astronomer and a mentor in small business development programs. He also enjoys mountain biking and is a volunteer in local community organizing.

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