Solar energy is slowly replacing traditional power in many homes across the planet. The reliable form of energy from the sun is an efficient and convenient energy solution that helps reduce global warming and greenhouse emissions.

If you are taking a break from non-renewable energy and adopting a more eco-friendly approach lately, you’re not alone. Many people are increasingly preferring sun energy in residential homes to run their appliances like refrigerator, washing machine, water heaters, or even flood check hoses.

However, there are several questions to ask about solar power and what to know before being a climate change activist.

With all the buzz about sun energy, there are 7 things you have never been told, and this article discovers what you need to know about PV panels!

What are the benefits of going solar?

Even before the recent Paris Climate Accord conference, you probably heard the benefits of solar panels for home usage. But did you know that these pros have changed with advanced PV trends?

In this article, we have compiled 4 advantages of rooftop solar panels to assist you in making the right decision when considering renewable energy:

Sustainable power source

Would you buy the PPM Solar brand? The abundance of sunshine compels you to trap this freely-given energy. The sun provides an unlimited supply of green power for your home needs.

Energy autonomy

With advancements in sun-powered systems and battery manufacturing, customers are now independent. Installing PV sun energy fully-integrated battery backups offers you reliable energy during power shortages.

Long-term savings

Sound financial planning includes buying a house with solar panels. Switching to sun-powered energy saves you from the unreliable traditional power costs in the next 25 years. With sun-based energy installed on the rooftop of a house, it may help reduce electricity costs while adding value to your newly built house.

More tax incentives

Can you get a deduction if you go sunshine-energy? Placing PV cells on your roof attracts government incentives that go a long way to reduce a significant percentage of installation costs.

Is your house suitable for solar installation?

Those sleepless nights about what to watch out for when fixing PV panels are now paying off because we have the information you have been looking for.

After owning your dream home, power bills have destructed you from financial independence. You are now opting to harness sunshine energy, but you have questions to ask before you dive into uncharted waters.

We have carefully assessed the house requirements and found that your roof must support sun-powered cells, the roof must be south-facing, and you should remove any overhanging branches to prevent shade and damage to the PV cells. Our combination of outstanding knowledge, hands-on experience, and customer service makes us the best option

7 things to ask your installer before going solar

installing solar panels on your home

There are several questions to ask solar panel installers prior to dealing.

Keep reading and discover the essential information to consider prior to going solar.

1. Who will maintain my panels?

In a bid to win your hard-earned money, contractors always tell you that maintenance is never an issue once you accept a solar panel lease. Don’t let them fool you!

You only need to clear debris a few times a year since our technicians know how to place your PV systems in excellent inclination.

2. Which is the best solar power brand?

Why are others less efficient if all sun-powered systems are the same?

This question has nagged most homeowners. Not all photovoltaic cells are similar. Make sure you are fully aware of the kind of brand that contractors plan to install. We are dependent when it comes to excellent residential solar panels.

3. What are the ways to install panels?

Having heard the importance of green energy, you haven’t yet figured out what questions to ask a solar installer? Solar panels on a house must be installed along the standard direction and tilt.

4. Will the sun-energy system become less effective every year?

Before purchasing solar panels, sellers won’t disclose that your PV technology reduces its efficiency each year. Nevertheless, don’t worry because PPM Solar products have been maximally efficient for not less than 25 years.

Is my panel covered by a warranty plan?

Should you buy sun energy systems with an average warranty of 10 years? No. Please settle for more because top companies offer 25 years warranty!

1. Are there warranties for roofs?

Is it worth buying PV energy systems when your roof can’t be insured? Most contractors don’t have a matching warranty related to your panels. Ensure you receive a roof warranty program just like the one at PPM Solar.

2. Is my home suitable for sun-based power?

Your contractor told you buying home solar panels is the only way to eliminate skyrocketing power bills. However, they did not tell you that trees might be cut down or that your roof is not strong enough. Before you spend your last coin on rented solar panels, think of such factors.

What to watch out for when choosing a solar installer?

When selecting an installer, you definitely avoid those that lack reputable customer service and poor track record in performance diagnostics. Contractors who don’t have the right licenses and experiences can destroy PV systems and rooftops, which means you must ignore them at all costs.

Many contractors have expensive rates, leaving you in a dilemma of whether to return to conventional power sources or remain with sun-based energy. Unlike businesses that rip you off, we guarantee paid-off solar panels in the long run.


Now that you know what to watch out for when buying a house with solar panels and you are well-versed in matters- advantage solar power, you should consider our PPA solar agreement competitive plan.

We have delved into the most critical questions to ask about sunshine power so that you can understand the advantages of rooftop solar panels and even the pitfalls.

Contact us for all your renewable energy needs, and we will gladly assist you in the decision-making process.

Evan Zhang

Evan Zhang earned his Master’s in Construction Management from the University of Michigan and has 9 years of experience in commercial and residential construction. Evan joined our website as a freelancer in 2019, providing insights into construction methodologies, building codes, and safety standards. His background includes working as a site manager and a construction consultant. Evan also worked on various urban development and infrastructure projects. Evan is a DIY enthusiast and a mentor for young professionals entering the construction field.

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