Each of us dreams of warmth and coziness, especially in college years when many live in a dorm or rent an apartment with mastercraft doors and beautiful walls. A home is where you feel calm, as your personal things are arranged around, and your favorite books and candles are on the shelves.

In fact, even the most neutral space can be turned into a piece of heaven. How? Just add plants. Have you ever noticed how you feel while walking in the park or forest? You aren’t just admiring nature. Plants and their fresh green foliage calm the psyche and give you a boost of vital energy.

Do you think that you are unable to take care of the plant? Well, this is not true. There is various greenery that can survive even in the harshest conditions! We’ve made a list of plants that will get along with your forgetfulness and busy schedule. Without further ado – let’s get started!

1. Crassula

You’ve probably heard of this plant before – many call it “money tree.” It’s related to succulents, plants with special tissues for fluid accumulation. Crassula leaves are dense, thick, and smooth.

Here are its main advantages:

• It feels excellent in diffused daylight and the shade;

• 10-15 minutes of light a day is enough;

• It’s unpretentious when it comes to watering: in summer – 1-2 times a week will be fine, whereas once a month in winter will do. Also, make sure that you are using water softeners to water your plants.

There are various types of Crassula, different in color and shape of leaves. So you’ll indeed find something that suits you best. Of course, choosing a plant and going to the store can take some time, so it’s best to unload your schedule in advance. Perhaps the best way to do this is to entrust your school tasks to talented professionals.

Today’s students are overwhelmed with homework, and the help of someone experienced simply saves the day. With the writing help by EssayPro, you’ll stop worrying about your grades, reputation, and deadlines. What’s more, you’ll finally find time to do things you’ve been putting off, including organizing your home space.

2. Haworthia

This is a perfect plant for forgetful (or lazy) students. Haworthia is one of the dwarf herbaceous succulents which accumulate fluid in neat, sharp leaves.

The plant is relatively small – it looks great both on the windowsill and on the desktop.

Taking care of it is easy:

• It feels comfortable at room temperature;

• Haworthia loves the sun, but when it’s hot, prefers shade;

• Its’ watering is rare: in summer – 1-2 times a week, in winter – once a month;

• Transplantation should take place once a year.

3. Sansevieria (Mother-in-law’s Tongue)

It is a stemless evergreen perennial plant with extremely low maintenance. Even if you disappear for a month, it will still be safe and sound. Sansevieria isn’t afraid of drought and shade – it feels fantastic in normal room conditions and doesn’t require systematic transplantation.

Interestingly, the plant grows up to 1.5 meters in height. It doesn’t need much water or care at all. Thus, Sansevieria becomes perfect for dimly lit corners of your room.

4. Aloe

In addition to looking wonderful from an aesthetical point of view, Aloe also has a functional role. Without a doubt, it can be called a first aid kit. The juice from its leaves:

  • Has antibacterial and antiseptic properties and can even cleanse open wounds;
  • Is an excellent healing agent which activates tissue regeneration and relieves inflammation;
  • Is helpful for stomach aches.

The plant is picky, but there are some things to keep in mind, especially if you’re busy with college work during the day:

• Aloe needs a lot of light – you’d better not leave it in an abandoned dark corner;

• It prefers room temperature and average humidity;

• It doesn’t require frequent watering (in summer – once every 3-10 days, in fall and winter – once every 2-4 weeks).

5. Chlorophytum

This plant takes care of indoor air: Chlorophytum cleans it, disinfects, and neutralizes harmful substances. Chlorophytum is often grown in pots on the wall or a shelf.

The plant is rather patient. It quickly recovers and prefers:

• Abundant watering. In summer, the soil should be moistened really often, in winter – less often. Don’t overwater or dry the plant;

• Spraying. Spray the foliage at least every day;

• Any level of light. In summer, better move the plant closer to the window.

If you want to add vibrant green to your room, then Chlorophytum is the best choice. With well-drained soil and bright, diffused light, it will delight you with its amazing look.

6. Monstera Deliciosa

You have definitely seen these plants on the covers of notebooks a lot of times. No wonder they get published so often. Monstera Deliciosa is a friendly plant that looks great in a small space. Water them once a week and keep them in indirect but bright sunlight.

7. Calathea Lancifolia

These gorgeous houseplants have stunning foliage with beautiful, elongated leaves. You almost don’t need to take care of it – just water it once a week and spray from time to time.

8. Succulents

Succulents will survive where others cannot. They are almost impossible to kill (only if you overwater them). Succulents will add the necessary green light to your table, plus an endless variety of colors and patterns offers you options to choose from.

To grow a healthy succulent, you’ll need a window that gets the sun in or a small lamp. Succulents don’t need much water, so in a busy exam period, you can surely leave them without water. Plus, there are hundreds of different types to choose from! If they bloom (usually this happens in winter), all your friends will gather in your room to have a look at this miracle.

9. Decorative Bamboo

This plant can be grown in water with decorative rocks or in soil. Place your bamboo in an area with low light and change the water every couple of weeks to prevent seaweed growth.

10. Hoya

This climbing plant is unpretentious. Moreover, it perfectly cleans the air in the room and blooms really lovely. Hang the flowerpot right on the window and enjoy its beauty.

11. Begonia Rex

If you enjoy the bright, colorful foliage, Begonia Rex is the perfect plant for you. They love diffused light with a wide variety of colors and need to be watered only when the soil is dry to the touch.

12. Cactus

These buddies are another excellent choice for students, as they even live in the desert! Cactus grows slowly and is suitable for limited spaces. With a bright light and infrequent watering, they will delight you with gorgeous blooms. The main thing is not to overwater them.

13. Ficus

Don’t worry; not all ficuses are enormous. You can find smaller versions that like to be dimly lit and occasionally watered. You can even grow it from seeds yourself.

To Wrap It Up

Small apartment, tiny dorm – there are no excuses to give up houseplants!

In Instagram pictures, we often see a luxurious green jungle at someone’s house. But how do you create this forest of indoor plants with little light and space, and most importantly, time? Don’t worry – everything is possible if you’re picky about your plants!

On an energy level, indoor plants activate your mental activity, improve brain function and increase working capacities. Therefore, do not ignore the desire to buy plants – they will surely give you the things you might lack in these stressful times.

Caitlin Lopez

With a Bachelor’s in General Studies from the University of Michigan, Caitlin Lopez has been a versatile writer and advisor for 12 years. She joined various platform in 2019, offering practical tips and guidance on multiple topics, from household management to personal development. Her background includes working in magazine editorials and as a lifestyle blogger.Her previous experience includes roles in educational outreach and as a freelance content writer. Apart from work, she is a classical music aficionado and enjoys exploring different culinary traditions. She is a perfect gardening enthusiast and enjoys participating in community empowerment workshops.

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