Do you plan to sell your home soon but don’t know if it’s in condition to get the best possible price? Aside from fixing up anything that needs minor repairs, there are many things you can do to freshen up the look of your home that are easy and simple but have an extraordinary effect on your home’s appearance.

Tackling these areas for improvement around your home before selling your home are easy ways to polish your home’s appearance and increase your home’s value, both of which will help to set the tone for a quicker sale. Get started on these upgrades to make all the difference in your home’s sale time.

Get a Professional Opinion

When you’ve lived in a house and made it into your home, it can be challenging to look at it with an unbiased eye. Even when you try to look at it from a buyer’s perspective, it’s extremely difficult to ignore the years you’ve spent living there. You might think you know the improvements your home needs but be overlooking more important ones. This is why it can be helpful to get a professional opinion.

When you’re looking to spruce up your Burlington home, it’s helpful to solicit the opinion of someone who specializes in the local area. Getting the opinion of an expert in real estate in Burlington Ontario, can help ensure you don’t spend time and money on improvements that aren’t worth the effort.

Remove Clutter

Most of us have decorations and belongings in our homes that we love and are meaningful to us. You should immediately begin paring down your possessions and putting them into storage when planning to sell. These items will be seen as clutter to potential buyers, make the space feel smaller than it is, and distract from your home’s best features.

Add Organization

Yes, buyers will be opening your closets and cupboards to see how big they are, and you don’t want them to see a jumbled mess that gives the impression that there isn’t enough storage space. Remove clothing and items you won’t be needing while your home is listed and pack them away. For what’s left, implement a closet organization system to make the best use of the space.

Freshen Up the Paint

You might not notice during the goings-on of day-to-day life, but unless you’ve painted recently, your walls probably look a little stale and drab. Repainting will fix any chips or scrapes in the paint, give an immediate fresh look to your home, and neutralize the paint to make it more appealing for buyers.

Display Wood Flooring

Carpeting can easily look worn out, so if you have hardwood floors in good condition hiding beneath it, now is the time to let them be seen. Remove rugs and tear up the carpet so buyers can see what lays underneath and all the potential that goes along with them.

Follow these five tips to give your home a facelift and make it more appealing to buyers for a faster sale.

Ellie Chen

Ellie Chen is a graduate of New York University with a Master’s in Real Estate who has been an expert in property market trends and real estate investment for over 12 years. Her previous roles include working in real estate brokerage and as a property analyst. She has provided insights into real estate marketing, property management, and investment strategies. Her background includes roles in real estate development firms and as an agent. Beyond work, she is a great hiker and a volunteer in housing affordability programs. She is also a passionate urban cyclist and enjoys participating in community development initiatives.

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