Water that contains high levels of lead is bad for human consumption and it’s also damaging to the natural environment. As such, it is vital to effectively filter out the lead before it gets into our systems. Exposing children to high concentrations of lead for extended periods of time will impact their health and well-being.

The effects from this exposure could include attention disorder, lowered IQ and general behavioral problems. Listed below, are some quality options for your water and to see which product is best suited for your need, see this recently published lead removal guide.

Best Types of Lead Removal Systems For Your Home:

• Carbon Filtration Systems

Activated carbon filtration or carbon filtration is a filter system that is designed to eliminate lead particles from water. Activated carbon is treated with oxygen and this is necessary to open millions of tiny holes in the carbon. It functions by pushing the water through the activated charcoal bed located at the bottom of the system.

Forcing the water through the activated charcoal bed prevents the bigger particles from going through; therefore, the lead is caught and absorbed in the substrate via the small pores that were created by the oxygen.

• Reverse Osmosis Systems

A reverse osmosis system is reasonable priced and is among the best water filtration systems used to remove lead from the water. Reverse osmosis under sink system has a built-in membrane that is tremendously thick and dense.

This is an indication that it is difficult for the water to move through it. The system filters out larger particles effectively, making it a remarkable option to eliminate lead.

• Undercounter Purification Systems

Under the counter purifiers can be purchased at a fairly small cost. This type of system is relatively easy to install and switching the filters does not require much assistance.

These purifiers provide a remarkable way to assist you in getting lead out of the water system, particularly when the correct filter is used. Before getting one installed, you should get your water tested to make sure the system will be adequate to get rid of the lead that is present in the water.

After this is done, you can choose a filter. The majority of filters use coconut-based activated charcoal to assist with getting rid of the particles of lead; this is an exceptional method of getting it done.

• Distillation Systems

There is the option of having a water distillation unit installed on the outside or inside of your home based on your personal preference. Distillation treatment works by heating the water that passes through it and ensuring that the vapor is condensed in a section of the unit tucked away from the water that will be used in the house.

Having the units installed outside the home and not at the point of use is the better choice. This is because you will not always want warm water to be coming out of the taps.

• Shower Head Filtration Systems

It has been established that lead is harmful in drinking water and it should be noted that it can also be quite damaging to the natural neurological development of a child and to your hair.

To assist in minimizing the risk of lead, purchasing specialized shower head filters would be a great move. These showerheads prevent lead particles from being sprayed onto the body and in your hair.

• Flushing the Water System

It is important to flush the water system before using your taps at home; this is especially vital if the taps have been sitting longer than 6 hours. Flushing the system removes the build-up of lead that may have happened at the front of water supply.

Essentially, thoroughly flushing the water system could get rid of much of the lead that has accumulated during the course of the day. Call a plumber if your toilet only swirls but doesn’t flushes.

My Final Thoughts:

Before you make a final decision on a water filter for lead, figure out the level of lead by having your water tested. This information will assist you in making a decision that is best for your situation.

If you get exceptionally high lead readings, examine your water source and determine whether the infrastructure is too old. If it is not, consult with a professional concerning a filtration system or water softener that will be best for your home.

The carbon filtration, reverse osmosis and distillation systems can be installed at the water source that enters the home or where the taps are turned on. If it is not possible to have a unit that can fit outside the home, then filtered shower heads can be used to keep lead away from your hair and body.

Lead can be harmful to children and adults alike; therefore, it is vital that you purchase the system that is best for you and your family.

Dominic Wong

Dominic Wong, holding a Master’s in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, has 20 years of experience in the home appliance sector. He joined our website as a freelancer in 20119, sharing his deep understanding of appliance functionality, energy efficiency, and consumer trends. Previously, Dominic worked in appliance design and testing. His background also includes roles in product development and consumer research. An advocate for sustainable technology, he enjoys mountain biking and experimenting with smart home gadgets in his spare time.

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