The post is developed in partnership with BetterHelp.

As technology advances in the medical industry, it can be difficult to keep up with new and relevant information. However, there are many reasons that we should all strive to learn more about diseases and their treatments- specifically, Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s disease is popular in name, but not many people know much about it. There is much to discover about this disease and many benefits to learning more. Understanding Alzheimer’s can help you care for a loved one or help you support a caretaker.

The Causes of Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a disease that causes brain cells to deteriorate and the brain to atrophy. When a brain goes through atrophy, it begins to shrink. This causes brain cells to die and makes it difficult for individuals to perform basic human functions.

While researchers and doctors understand that Alzheimer’s is impacted by two proteins (plaques and tangles) within the body, they are not the only culprit. Many things can put someone at risk for developing this disease.

For example, age and genetics. Those elderly are more likely to be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Individuals that have a family history or a mutant gene within their family may also develop this disease.

Other possible risk factors that are known for increasing a person’s likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s are as follows: Down Syndrome, heart disease, gender, and head injuries.

You can learn more about Alzheimer’s disease with assistance from BetterHelp; they offer medically-reviewed resources on the subject matter:

The Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease

The most common symptom of Alzheimer’s disease that is recognized by the general public is memory loss and forgetfulness. Because the brain is shrinking and brain cells are dying, a person may lose their ability to remember and concentrate. They may forget where they have put an item or misplace the item in a different place than normal. For example, an individual with Alzheimer’s disease may store their blankets and pillows in the bathroom instead of in the bedroom and heat lamps in the bedroom instead of a bathroom. Or you may find food and other items in odd areas around the house.

Other symptoms can include difficulty learning and making sound decisions. Someone who can not think clearly will often be unaware of their surroundings and responsibilities. For instance, they may no longer keep up with bills, household chores, or other responsibilities.

Lastly, a person may also lose their way regularly and experience increased personality changes. Someone who can no longer remember things and think clearly will usually feel frustrated with themselves and those around them. Oftentimes, they will express increased aggression and anxiety around new or frustrating environments.

In more severe cases, individuals will forget loved ones and be unable to take care of themselves. Such as feeding themselves and keeping themselves clean.

The Treatment Options for Alzheimer’s Disease

Unfortunately, there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease. However, various treatment options can help patients treat their symptoms. Not only can these treatment options help patients lessen their symptoms, but they can also provide assistance to their caregivers.

There are many medications that can treat symptoms such as insomnia, mood swings, anxiety, memory retention, and concentration. With certain medications, an individual can lessen their mood swings and reduce the intensity of aggressive outbursts.

Physical therapy is also an option for Alzheimer’s patients. Physical therapy can assist individuals in brain function and their ability to maintain everyday functions by putting instructions on doors. If an individual participates in various forms of exercise before their diagnosis, they can prolong the effects of Alzheimer’s disease.

With the proper help and resources from a medical professional, those with Alzheimer’s can be cared for and made comfortable as they experience the many symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

Maya Singh

Maya Singh is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University with a Master’s in Public Health who has been a prominent figure in health education and wellness advocacy for over 20 years. Her previous roles include public health researcher and wellness coach. She has provided insights into healthy living, disease prevention, and healthcare policies. Her background includes practicing in community health centers and lecturing at medical schools. She enjoys trail running and volunteering in health awareness programs in her leisure time. She is also a certified yoga instructor who passionately advocates holistic health approaches.

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