Back then, most construction companies used things like asbestos and lead for home construction. Unfortunately, it was discovered that such materials aren’t only bad for one’s health, but also had a negative effect on the environment. This is the reason more people are searching for new materials to build an eco-friendly and sustainable home.

Luckily, there are countless materials you can use to build an environmentally friendly house. Below are some of the materials to consider:

1. Recycled Steel

If you’re thinking of a steel building project for your home, it’s never a bad idea because steel is suitable for various uses, plus, it’s durable and strong. However, the process involved in fabricating materials out of steel can be damaging to the environment as it uses a lot of energy. These materials also involve invasive processes and the use of heavy machinery.

But there’s nothing to worry about as you can use repurposed or recycled steel. This building material minimizes the ecological impact of home construction projects. Plus, recycled steel reduces the energy used, making it more sustainable.

2. Precast Concrete Slabs

This building material for homes is extremely durable and can withstand any weather condition. Often used for building facades and walls, precast concrete slabs are affordable, which are perfect for those who want to build a dream home on a budget. Also, they take less energy than other concrete types, making them a smart option for homeowners who want to build an eco-friendly property.

Precast concrete slabs are also helpful in controlling heat, which allows homeowners to save money as they don’t have to use air conditioners often.

3. Bamboo

Bamboo is one of the most commonly used building materials for houses. It’s perfect for home construction for several reasons. One of these is that bamboo has exceptional durability. In fact, it has greater compressive strength than concrete or brick.

Since it’s lightweight, bamboo is also less energy-intensive to transport. However, its only drawback is that it requires adequate maintenance and treatment to resist rot and insects. This is because untreated bamboo produces starch that attracts insects and once it absorbs water, it can crack and swell easily.

4. Sheep’s Wool

If you don’t want insulation that uses chemicals, you can use sheep’s wool as an alternative. It offers good insulation to any home and doesn’t consume more energy to manufacture.

If you want to soundproof your property, sheep’s wool can do a great job and even boost your home’s energy efficiency. Unlike some insulation materials, it doesn’t degrade quickly. However, sheep’s wool comes with a hefty price tag. It should also be treated properly to prevent fungi and ward off insects.

5. Straw Bales

Another insulation material you can use to build your eco-friendly home is straw bales, which are known for their excellent insulating properties. These are placed in ceilings, walls, and attics to contribute to cooler or warmer temperatures.

One of the greatest things about straw bales is that they can be re-planted and harvested easily with less environmental impact. So, if you need an insulation material that’s excellent for cooling and heating without causing harm to the environment, you can consider straw bales.

6. Reclaimed Wood

Although reclaimed wood has been existing since time immemorial, it’s becoming more popular these days because of its environmental benefits. Typically, reclaimed wood is often used for its appearance, especially by those who want to opt for an eco-friendly design. Its color and aged texture can make any property look more elegant. Also, more homeowners are starting to appreciate its environmental benefits.

Once you choose reclaimed wood as one of your building materials, you won’t only help prevent the negative effects of deforestation, but also lessen the amount of carbon produced from manufacturing new wooden materials.

7. Cork

Cork grows quickly like bamboo. It’s flexible and resilient, making it an ideal element for floor tiles. This building material is also effective in absorbing noise, making it excellent for insulation sheets.

With its great shock absorption qualities, cork is also ideal for sub-flooring and can be a good thermal insulator since it’s fire-resistant, particularly if untreated. When it burns, it also doesn’t release toxic gases. However, cork is often manufactured in Mediterranean countries, which makes shipping a bit expensive. Fortunately, they don’t weigh much and only require less emission and energy to ship.


These are just some of the many materials you can consider to build an eco-friendly home and for other aspects as well like Cambria countertops, curtains and furniture You can choose based on your preferences or the outline of your dream home. Never hesitate to seek the assistance of a professional in case you’re confused with the options available in the market. The good thing about using the above materials is that they don’t only protect the environment, but can also provide everyone a desirable place to live.

Evan Zhang

Evan Zhang earned his Master’s in Construction Management from the University of Michigan and has 9 years of experience in commercial and residential construction. Evan joined our website as a freelancer in 2019, providing insights into construction methodologies, building codes, and safety standards. His background includes working as a site manager and a construction consultant. Evan also worked on various urban development and infrastructure projects. Evan is a DIY enthusiast and a mentor for young professionals entering the construction field.

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