This post was developed via a partnership with BetterHelp.

When the coronavirus caused businesses and workplaces to shut down, employees had to start working from home, and many individuals lost their jobs. For many, working remotely became a blessing that they enjoyed despite the reason it happened. For others, it became a burden and distressing for their livelihood.

There was a shocking amount of domestic crime that increased around the world as people stayed home. Partners were stuck in their beautiful homes with their abusive family members or partners. With so many experiencing this abuse and upsetting lifestyle, it is pertinent that everyone knows how to find help for themselves and others that live with abuse in the home.

What is Domestic Abuse?

Domestic abuse goes by many names. Some refer to it as domestic violence or intimate partner violence. No matter the name, it is the abuse a person will inflict on their partner to control them and their lives.

Domestic abuse can include all types of violence. For example, it can be physical, emotional, mental, financial, or sexual abuse that a person experiences. Those that cause this damage are seeking to control the lives of their partner. They will do whatever is necessary to feel in control and to dampen the power of their partner.

Gaining insight on domestic abuse can help you stop it! You can learn more about domestic abuse and how it impacts victims with BetterHelp resources:

Learning the Signs of Domestic Abuse in a Home

Because domestic abuse comes in many forms and fashions, it can be difficult to spot at the beginning of some relationships. In fact, many individuals do not realize that they are in a relationship with an abuser until it feels too late.

By learning the signs and habits of an abuser, you can learn when to get help and when to offer assistance to others. The most common sign of domestic abuse is overcontrolling and unnecessary commands from partners. For example, someone in an abusive relationship may experience excessive threats, insults, and demands from their partner. In some relationships, threats may turn into physical violence.

A domestic abuser may try and keep you away from people that could potentially help you. This may be because of irrational jealousy and power. In other cases, a person may try and pressure you into doing things you are not comfortable doing. Such as signing over all financial decisions, sexual acts, and hiding from friends and family.

How to Find Help For Yourself

If you are in an abusive relationship and want to find the help you deserve, the most important thing to keep in mind is your safety. Many outside resources can help you through this situation. For example, you can contact any domestic violence hotline through call, online messaging, text, or by

You can also create a safety plan for yourself. In case of an emergency (for example, your partner is threatening your life or the wellbeing of those around you), you should have a plan that will protect you from harm. Learn where the closest police station or fire department is to your home and store important phone numbers and addresses in an easily accessible place. You can also prepare a “go-bag”, a bag of the bare essentials, and hide it around the countertop where only you work. If an emergency arrives, be prepared to leave through a premeditated escape route and find help immediately.

How to Find Help For Others

If there is someone in your life experiencing domestic abuse, it is vital that you offer them the support and care that they need. In these situations, the victim often feels afraid and frightened by their partner and circumstances.

You can offer your help by listening to what they have to say and respecting their boundaries. When they come to you afraid, listen with understanding and do not judge them or their abuser. Many victims will put up boundaries to protect their safety. Respect their boundaries, except when you fear that their life is in immediate danger.

By listening to their thoughts and learning more about domestic abuse, you can help them and encourage them to leave their abuser and get the help that they deserve.

Ayush Bhansin

Ayush Bhansin has a degree in General Studies focusing on Interdisciplinary Sciences from Harvard University and has been a versatile contributor and analyst for 12 years. He offers a broad perspective on topics ranging from technology to lifestyle. His previous experience includes roles in market research and as a freelance journalist. He has brought his broad knowledge to various general content, providing insightful analysis and commentary. He is an emerging technology enthusiast and actively participates in various intellectual forums. He is also a classical music aficionado and enjoys exploring different culinary traditions.

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