If you’re a new homeowner or if you just love to have your yard looking its best, chances are you’ve tried a few techniques but maybe you’re not getting the results you want. After all, your landscape surrounded by quartz fireplace has so much potential, and you want to see it looking its best, right?

Well, the good news is that with the right techniques, you can have an eye-catching yard in the span of a single growing season. But there is work to be done, because lawn maintenance and landscaping are true labors of love.

Often, most homeowners enjoy doing everything on their own when they first buy a home. But believe it or not, paying a little extra for professional lawn care is actually one of the best ways to get the most out of your lawn. However, you can also jump in and help as well.

Here, we’ll explore a few tips for gaining the curb appeal that you’re looking for through landscaping and gardening.

Watering and Sprinklers

One thing that all life on earth requires is water. And this includes that lush green lawn that you hope to enjoy each spring and summer. But depending on where you live, the amount of water your lawn will need is going to vary.

Sprinkler systems are designed to irrigate the land. But sprinkler systems can vary considerably as well. As such, depending on what types of plants and grass you have, the amount of water and the type of sprinkler system you’ll need will also vary.

For example, if you’re simply trying to maintain your yard and keep your grass from drying out during periods of low rainfall, an oscillating sprinkler can get the job done easily. Though you’ll have to move it around the yard to ensure that you cover your entire yard in a uniform fashion.

When it comes to watering your yard in general, you’ll also need to take a few things into consideration:

  • Type of grass
  • Type of plants
  • Drought conditions
  • Water table
  • Root systems
  • Root length
  • Soil composition

You’ll also want to note that overwatering can result in oversaturation of root systems. And this can make your grass die or your plants droop. And this is because too much water will dilute or remove the nutrients that your grass and plants depend on to grow and flourish.

Planters, Walkways & Pavers

Adding planters is a great way to showcase your gardening skills. And depending on the layout of your property, you’ll have many choices for adding splashes of color or depth to your property.

For example, using colorful florals such as roses, tulips, or even local wildflowers within your planters will add a nice blend of color to a green landscape. And this can help your property to stand out and catch the eye of potential buyers if you’re looking to sell your home.

You may also like to establish a garden and build a walkway through or around it. And this can offer you and any visitor the ability to view the garden up close, as well as to allow easy access for whenever you work in your garden.

Walkways also have a way of adding depth to a property and make it look more well-kept and symmetrical as well.

Garden Placement

The main thing you want to remember about placing your garden is that it’s going to need at least 6 hours of direct overhead sunlight in order for your plants to grow properly. And while some plants grow better in shade, you’ll want to determine your garden placement based on the daily allotment of sunshine your plants require.

Before going out and digging a garden, you’ll want to observe the path of the sun over your property for a few days. And place stakes as markers for potential areas to plant your garden in areas which get a generous amount of sunlight and shade throughout the day.

Additionally, having a garden closer to your home is also recommended so that you can easily bring supplies to your garden when it’s time to work. Further, you may also be more inclined to tend to your garden if it’s closer to the home as well.

Sculpting the perfect landscape is going to take considerable time and planning. And this is why it’s recommended that you use a professional lawn care or landscaping service so that you can have your property professionally designed. But be prepared to do a little work on your own, because a great landscape is going to need upkeep as well.

Morgan Wilson

Morgan Wilson, holding a Master's in Horticulture from Cornell University, has been an influential figure in gardening and landscape design for over 15 years. Before this, he worked as a landscape designer and a horticultural therapist. He has provided insights into organic gardening, native landscaping, and urban gardening solutions. Her background includes working in public gardens and environmental education. He is a nature photographer in her spare time and participates in community greening projects. He is also a great birdwatcher and enjoys creating wildlife-friendly garden spaces.

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