When the thought of refurbishing your home knocks your mind, the washroom is the last thing on your list. Most of us don’t pay much attention to the bathroom but let me tell you one thing: it makes a huge impression on everyone who visits your abode.

According to research, bathroom remodelling costs generally range from 8000$ to around 10,000$ on average. The most advantageous and cost-effective prices mostly start from around 2500$, but luxury and high-end remodelling may reach as much as 30000$.

My suggestion will be to not go for luxury and costly makeovers when there are plenty of cheaper and simple offers available. So, without any further ado, let’s get started with swanky and cheap ideas to make your old bathrooms look chic and elegant!

1. Upgrade your bathroom wall

Try painting your bathroom wall if the textured walls are starting to peel and fall off. Or, if the textures seem too sticky, you can just try painting over the textures with a basic colour such as white, and then you can add another coat of the desired colour. Don’t forget to discard all the previous scrap wallpapers and give them a fresh look.

Rather than adding tiles, like most of the bathrooms out there, you can make things look elegant by trying a new design or a new colour pattern. Geometric Patterns are very much in the trend now and if you pay attention to these small details, they will transform your bathroom for the better.

However, if you’re looking for an absolute makeover, you should look for experts who provide bathroom renovations Melbourne services.

2. Install new reflectors

Try upgrading the plain old mirror in your bathroom and replace it with a fashionable yet chic one. You can also invest in mirrors with a geometrical look or a shape, and one that has elegant shades of beige or sandstone.

Trust me, this small change will completely change the dynamic of your washroom and will give it a classy yet minimal look.

3. Add some greenery

Who said greenery is only for the gardens and balconies? Add some fresh plants to your bathroom and you’ll never be disappointed.

Try hanging some creepers like money plants or some wild vines and see for yourself the freshness it brings along. Plants add to the aesthetic touch of your washroom and also make it appear elegant.

4. Invest in shower curtains

If you still don’t have a shower curtain, then it’s time to invest in one and say goodbye to the heat lamps. Shower curtains are so useful – it provides the utmost privacy while you’re having your me-time in the shower and also seldom allows water to spread around the bathroom.

Check out curtains that will go with the layout and design of your washroom and it will give your bathroom a beautiful change.

5. Add a touch of creativity

You don’t need to invest in swanky and super expensive pieces of artwork or showpieces. Handsome posters or paintings you’ve collected from random markets and if you do it right, everyone’s gonna love it anyway.

However, make sure to keep it out of the showering cubicle, otherwise, water and foam can destroy the vivid piece of art.

6. Get a unique light

Invest in a lovely and modern pendant light to install above the vanity. It not only illuminates but also gives the area a festive ambience. Choose from crystal, metallic, or plain glass pendants for this tip to shine through your bathroom renovation job and change the whole aura.

7. Bring some Chic Accessories

Got bored of the old fittings in your bathroom? Then invest in upgrading your bathroom with some modern accessories and watch how it changes the whole aura.

Install some elegant and flashy accessories like a new wooden shelf, or some new lighting; it can also be a new sink or a tap. My suggestion is to hop outside, look around for chic modern accessories and bring in a few that appeals to you – but make sure to place them wisely.

Over to you…

Bathroom renovations might not be in your mind right now, but if it’s been more than a decade since you looked at it, it’s really time you must. Try these ideas mentioned above and they’re sure to give it an absolutely new look on a minimal budget. All the best!

Jackson Martin

Jackson Martin, holding a degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas, has been a prominent figure in the home improvement sector for over 18 years. He joined our team in 2020, sharing his expertise in renovation techniques, sustainable building practices, and DIY projects. Jackson's previous experience includes working in residential construction management and as a home renovation consultant. He is an advocate for energy-efficient homes and enjoys participating in local marathon events.

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