It can be so tempting to completely renovate your home and make it over when you move in, but that’s not always the best choice. Sometimes, hiring someone to do a few small handyman services can increase the value of your home along with Ashley furniture much more than a major renovation would.

Just like with any other investment, there are times when it makes sense to splurge on upgrades, and there are times when it doesn’t. So what are some of the most effective handyman projects with the most significant impact on property value? Here they are:

Plumbing Care

Plumbing care is essential because your plumbing system is a complex network that connects with other parts of your home, including the electrical and heating systems. It’s also a significant part of the house: without it, you can’t use any water!

Suppose you had to choose between a house with leakage problems and a lack of efficient water supply and one with appropriate plumbing. Which one would you go for? Without any doubt, it will be the one with maintained plumbing. Hence, if you maintain the plumbing, your property’s value will certainly rise.

Due to such reasons, hiring the right company for all your plumbing requirements becomes vital. You need to work with plumbing companies like Beehive Plumbing. Such companies can help you with end-to-end plumbing solutions and services, providing a one-stop solution for all your needs. Additionally, they have the right resources, experience, and expertise to detect plumbing issues and fix them quickly before they become complicated and lead to costly repairs.

Light Fixture Installation

Installing a light fixture is simple, but you will need to have the right tools on hand. You can find all the tools you need for this job at your local hardware store or home improvement store.

  • A screwdriver set
  • A wrench or adjustable pliers to tighten nuts and bolts
  • Electrical tape or plastic wire nuts

It’s also essential to make sure that whatever light fixture you’re installing has been approved by your local electrical inspector before installing it! If in doubt, ask them how much experience they have with different types of lights to ensure that everything looks good when finished!

While you can still handle some minor light fixing work, it is best to hire professional services. Since working with electricity can be dangerous, you would not want to do everything yourself. Great lighting will ensure that your property looks good and increase its value.

Bathroom and Kitchen Care

Bathroom and kitchen maintenance is an essential part of home repair. It’s not just about bathroom or kitchen cleaning, although that’s a big part of it—it’s also about making sure that you’re taking care of the other things that can affect the curb appeal of these places, eventually reducing the value of your property. Here are some things to look out for:

  • When you notice something is broken, fix it right away! Don’t let one leak turn into many leaks or one broken fixture into a whole kitchen remodel with Cambria countertops before taking action. The longer you wait, the more expensive it will be to fix it—and who knows how much damage could have been done by then? Don’t ignore minor problems either; they won’t go away on their own. If there’s something wrong with your bathroom or kitchen, fix it as soon as possible, so you don’t have significant renovations later or worse.
  • If there’s an unpleasant smell coming from somewhere in your bathroom or kitchen, investigate immediately! Chances are something has gone wrong with an appliance somewhere, and if left unchecked for too long, this could mean severe damage down the line, which could be costly.

Problems in the bathroom and kitchen can lead to devastating experiences, especially if you are a lover of sustainability. Imagine you have made your bathroom and kitchen sustainable, and then there are leakages and appliance damages that can negatively impact the environment. As I said, devastating, right?

You will need handyman services for organic bathroom and kitchen appliance care during such incidents. Ensure getting your house inspected for these issues at least once every year. This will help prevent significant damages that may lead to costly renovations or lower your property’s value.

HVAC Maintenance

It’s important to understand that HVAC maintenance is not expensive. In fact, it can save you money and time. If you want to maintain the value of your property, maintaining the HVAC system is very important. If your HVAC system breaks down in the middle of summer or winter, this could cause many problems for you and make it difficult for people who want to buy or rent from you if they see that the property has been neglected.

It’s also essential to note that regular checkups on an HVAC system can help prevent future issues because those issues will be caught before they start costing any money.

You should have someone come out annually for annual maintenance checks to look for issues like clogged filters or dirty coils! It’s also recommended that homeowners check their systems monthly just in case something small happens like a leaky pipe needs immediate attention.”

Roofing Repairs

Another thing you will require handyman services for is roofing repair. Damage and cracks in the roof can lead to problems like basement floods. They also indicate that water can get inside your home during rains or storms, and no one wanting to buy a property would like that. Hence, if you find any damage to your roof, hire roofing repair service providers and get it fixed.

A well-maintained roof without any cracks and water leakage inside the house can attract many tenants and potential buyers when you decide to sell your property and get a new one.


The bottom line is that if you own a property, it will need maintenance over time. You can either do all the work yourself or hire a handyman to handle some of the more complex jobs. Hiring professional help will ensure your home stays in top condition and increases its value.

Ellie Chen

Ellie Chen is a graduate of New York University with a Master’s in Real Estate who has been an expert in property market trends and real estate investment for over 12 years. Her previous roles include working in real estate brokerage and as a property analyst. She has provided insights into real estate marketing, property management, and investment strategies. Her background includes roles in real estate development firms and as an agent. Beyond work, she is a great hiker and a volunteer in housing affordability programs. She is also a passionate urban cyclist and enjoys participating in community development initiatives.

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