Recently an increasing number of people are trying to adapt sustainability into their lifestyle through the clothes they buy, the way they travel, their diet and so on. Many choose to go the extra mile like using bathroom heat lamps to make more conscious decisions for all of their furniture as well, selecting an eco-friendly mattress made from natural fibres and materials.

Mattresses are made from different types of fibres, springs and wood. Some of these materials aren’t particularly eco-friendly. Additionally, not all of them can be recycled and their supply as well can be harmful for the environment.

This article looks at everything you need to consider if you want to replace your old mattress and invest in a sustainable one.

What Makes a Mattress Sustainable?

A sustainable mattress is one that is not harmful to the environment in any way. From raw materials, through to production and delivery to the life-cycle of the mattress, all have an impact on the environment.

There are currently no scientific or governmental guidelines on what makes a mattress class as eco-friendly or sustainable, however, there are independent organisations that provide certifications for brands through their own regulations.

Generally speaking a sustainable mattress should be made out of fully organic, natural fibres that have been supplied through registered farmers or suppliers. Another requirement can be the way in which the mattress is made. A mattress manufactured in an eco-friendly way should be crafted in a non-wasteful manner with as little left over scrap materials as possible.

What Materials Should You Look For?

There are many natural materials that people may overlook when searching for a sustainable mattress. The best material is natural latex. Natural latex is not only sustainable, it’s suitable for people with allergies and also extremely durable.

Natural latex mattresses are some of the best quality mattresses you can get as they can last as long as 25-30 years. Combined with their lower environmental impact makes them the best choice for anyone who wants to be more eco-friendly with their everyday decisions.

Apart from natural latex, wool and cotton are other sustainable options when you’re searching for a mattress. The only thing to look out for with this type of mattresses is whether the materials used are also supplied in a sustainable way from registered suppliers.

What to Avoid

The first thing you should avoid if you’re looking for an eco-friendly mattress is synthetic materials and fillings. Fibre fill and batting for instance are some of the materials commonly used in mattresses that you should avoid for a number of reasons beyond sustainability.

These fillings are made out of polyester which is a synthetic bedding material known to be bad for people with allergies and respiratory problems. Additionally, polyester takes over two centuries to break down fully and can’t be recycled meaning that it’s damaging to the environment.

Another thing to be on the lookout for is companies that are “greenwashing” their products. This means using inaccurate descriptions for their products labelling them as ‘sustainable’, ‘eco-friendly’ or ‘natural’ without providing anything to back up these claims.

Companies that are truly eco-friendly would have third-party certifications as proof for their sustainability rather than just their own claims.

Benefits of a Sustainable Mattress

Along with the obvious benefit of being better for the environment, sustainably made mattresses are found to have a series of other benefits.

Firstly, as we’ve already mentioned mattresses made from natural fibres have a longer lifespan which means they’ll last you a lot longer than a regular spring mattress. In addition natural materials are widely recyclable so after your mattress has served you well it can be taken to a recycling depot rather than being thrown on a pile of other rubbish where it will stay for the next over 200 years.

As well as that natural materials don’t trigger allergies so they’re great for people with asthma or skin conditions such as eczema. Polyester and other synthetic materials are found to be linked to cancer, respiratory problems, hormone disruptions and other health problems.


There are a number of things to pay attention to when trying to choose a sustainable mattress, the first of them being the materials the mattress is made of. Natural latex is one of the best materials to choose as it offers the greatest durability in addition to being eco-friendly.

In general, try to avoid brands that aren’t certified by independent organisations for their sustainability practices, as they could be ‘greenwashing’ their products to make them look more eco-friendly than they are.

Just like you would when purchasing any other furniture item, do your research before-hand. But you should also consider your need for comfort and your sleeping habits so you don’t end up with a mattress that’s not comfortable enough for you.

Levi Huang

Levi Huang, a graduate of the Savannah College of Art and Design with a degree in Furniture Design, has been a guiding voice in home furnishing and interior solutions for over 16 years. He became part of our editorial team in 2021, focusing on ergonomic furniture design, space planning, and material innovation. Previously, Levi worked in custom furniture creation and as an interior design consultant. He enjoys woodworking and contributing to sustainable living initiatives.

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