If you’re considering a wood floor or any other type of wooden project, then you’ll be wondering what the best coating is for your wood. After all, you’ll want to protect it to ensure it lasts as long as possible while remaining looking good.

The Epoxy Solution

It may surprise you to learn that epoxy floor coatings are not a new thing. They have been around for close to one hundred years and are commonly used on floors as well as tables and other wooden finishes.

Epoxy coatings consist of a mixture of resin and hardeners. The two are mixed when you’re ready to apply them and then rollered or brushed onto the wood. Once the floor is fully covered the epoxy is left to set. It can take up to 24 hours before it is fully set and ready to walk on.

You should note that epoxy floors are very tough but look great with your Mastercraft door. You can drop items onto them without damaging the floor. It is also scratch-resistant and non-slip, making it an excellent safety choice.

Of course, epoxy floorings are also waterproof and stain-resistant, helping you to effortlessly keep the perfect finish and enjoy your floor. In effect, if you’re looking for a wood covering and have children and pets, then epoxy is a great solution.

However, you should note that epoxy is generally shiny, you can’t get a matt version. In addition, it will be affected by the UV rays from the sun, potentially causing it to fade over time. It is also not the easiest material to apply for a DIYer. Undertaking a floor finish gives the risk of imperfections via air bubbles and you won’t be able to easily use this on a vertical surface.


If you want a different option then a polyurethane coating is worth considering. This is the most common finish for wooden furniture for good reason. It’s tough, looks good, can be easily repaired and you’ll find it easy to apply yourself.

Depending on the product you choose it may be ready to apply or need to be mixed with a hardener. It’s also worth noting that some are oil-based while others are water-based. The oil-based versions are more durable.

But, no matter how durable polyurethane is, it is not a match for epoxy floor coatings. Polyurethane finishes can be high-gloss or matt. However, the shiner the finish the stronger it is. Although scratches can be repaired, there are a limited number of times you can repair any area before your polyurethane coating is too thin and you’ll need to redo the floor.

It is worth noting that polyurethane is much easier to apply by yourself than epoxy. Both options come in a wide array of colours just like you choose for the walls, styles, and patterns.

The Decision

The final decision is personal. However, you should remember that epoxy gives you a more durable finish. Although it is generally more expensive, it may be the better option for the long term.

Levi Huang

Levi Huang, a graduate of the Savannah College of Art and Design with a degree in Furniture Design, has been a guiding voice in home furnishing and interior solutions for over 16 years. He became part of our editorial team in 2021, focusing on ergonomic furniture design, space planning, and material innovation. Previously, Levi worked in custom furniture creation and as an interior design consultant. He enjoys woodworking and contributing to sustainable living initiatives.

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