Studying in a university or college is challenging because you need good grades for a bright future. Therefore, you should have a suitable area for studying. However, even if you have the perfect place, it won’t be beneficial if you don’t give time for learning.

Many students fail because they spend more time having fun with friends instead of hitting the books and doing their assignments. They’ll often buy essays online and submit them because they don’t have time to write them. If you have self-discipline and want to finish your course on time, you can start preparing your study area.

Here are the top suggestions to help you create a suitable place for your study:

Create a Smart Layout

If you recently moved into your dormitory with your roommate, you should immediately check the room’s layout and decide your preferences regarding studying. Then, you can choose where your study place will be. As much as possible, opt for an area near the window for better ventilation and natural lighting.

Choose a place conducive to studying. You should find learning enjoyable and comfortable. It’s best to talk to your roommate and compromise for you to get the most suitable area for studying. On the other hand, if the original layout isn’t workable, you can reorganize the room.

Make the Most Out of Your Space

You probably have a small room in the dormitory; therefore, finding a perfect place to study is challenging for you and your roommate. Consequently, you may opt for a loft bed and uses the area beneath your bed as a study area.

Moreover, you can have your wardrobe cabinet and desk underneath to create more floor space. However, it would help if you bought an excellent desk lamp to provide ideal lighting.

Choose Comfortable Furniture

Dormitories often provide furniture; however, it may not suit your needs and comfort. Therefore, you can bring in your chosen furniture but ensure to return the originals at the end of the school year.

Generally, it would help if you had the following to create your study area:

  • Comfortable chair
  • Desk
  • Good lighting
  • Bookshelf

If you’re living off-campus, you may prefer renting furniture. Some establishments offer an affordable Student Package.

The proper selection of furniture is essential for you to have the perfect place for studying. It would be best if you chose pieces of furniture that will make you comfortable for long periods of studying. Not selecting the right furniture can make learning tiresome, and you won’t easily retain and grasp information.

Therefore, you should choose a comfortable college desk that won’t inhibit movement and not cause you wrist and back pains. Moreover, remember to take short breaks when studying to refresh your memory. You should also ensure there’s ample ventilation in your study area.

Pick a Place with Good Lighting

Lighting is another significant factor you should consider. A dimly lit study area is terrible for your health. Moreover, you won’t look forward to studying because you get tired from too much straining. Your eyes will also hurt, and you won’t find studying enjoyable. Natural lighting is best; therefore, choose an area near the window as much as possible.

Set Ground Rules with Your Roommate

Before you plan to set up your study area, you should first discuss with your roommate to find out how you can create a space for studying. You must agree on some rules so as not to disrespect one another. Moreover, you’ll find learning more enjoyable in your room if you’re on good terms with your roommate.

Remove Distractions

If you prefer to focus on your study time, you should eliminate distractions. For example, you can close the doors, unplug the TV, disconnect from the internet, and turn off your phone while studying.

Consider the Room Temperature

Your study space should have the ideal temperature to make it conducive to studying. If the area is too cold or too hot, it will distract you from focusing on your studies. Moreover, you may commit more mistakes even if you’re unaware of them.

Room temperature affects productivity, and for you to be at your best, the temperature should be between 22 degrees Celsius and 25 degrees Celsius (72 degrees Fahrenheit and 77 degrees Fahrenheit). Outside of this range, you’ll commit more errors.

Admittedly, you have no control over the dormitory room’s temperature, but you can make some adjustments to make you feel comfortable. On the other hand, you can move to another area temporarily if you find the room unbearably cold or hot. If for some reason, you can’t find some other place to study, you can use essay writing services to do your assignments for you.

Final Thoughts

Setting up a study area in a dormitory isn’t very hard, especially if you’re on good terms with your roommate. Moreover, it would be best if you considered the factors mentioned in this article to ensure that you enjoy studying in your room. Then, create a convenient and comfortable study place not only for you but for your roommate as well.

Caitlin Lopez

With a Bachelor’s in General Studies from the University of Michigan, Caitlin Lopez has been a versatile writer and advisor for 12 years. She joined various platform in 2019, offering practical tips and guidance on multiple topics, from household management to personal development. Her background includes working in magazine editorials and as a lifestyle blogger.Her previous experience includes roles in educational outreach and as a freelance content writer. Apart from work, she is a classical music aficionado and enjoys exploring different culinary traditions. She is a perfect gardening enthusiast and enjoys participating in community empowerment workshops.

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