While you may not be a fortune teller that can see into the future, you are smart enough to know that the more amenities your home has, the higher the price it will fetch when you put it on the market. However, not all additions are created equal. In fact, some can actually deter home buyers. Here are some of the most recommended renovations you can perform that will always add value to your home.

Funding the Projects

Of course, to perform any of the following renovations, you’re going to need money. Instead of raiding your savings account and leaving yourself short in the event an emergency occurs, you should consider taking out a personal loan from a private lender. Since you can use the house as collateral, it should be quite easy to find a payment or APR that works for you. Once you sell the home, it will be an easy task to pay the loan back. Borrowing money to make more money, it’s a can’t lose a prospect.

Add More Space

If the home is in an area where real estate is limited, it makes sense to add more space to your house. An extra room or two sets you apart from other sellers and definitely increases the attractiveness of your home when it finally hits the market. If adding another room is not a realistic option, try increasing the size of the garage. You can always market all of the extra space in the garage that may be used. You can also go ahead and build a deck that will add value.

Think Energy-Efficiency

Homeowners are not looking to throw their money away by living in a home that is not properly insulated and is prone to drafts or heat loss. Perform an audit on the home and look for areas that need to be beefed up in their insulation. Replace old windows that may be leaking air. Replace traditional thermostats with smart ones. In fact, replace as many traditional things with their smart versions. Most homeowners prefer these versions and they go a long way towards being a great selling point.

Information to add would be to the effect of Studies show that windows are responsible for up to 30% of your home’s energy losses. Honeycomb shades trap air in distinct pockets, creating exceptional insulation. Some even feature a honeycomb-within-a-honeycomb design for even greater energy efficiency.

Put on A Fresh Coat

You’d be surprised just how much a fresh coat of paint, inside and outside, really makes a house look that much newer. The good thing about painting is that it really doesn’t cost a lot to have done. If you have the ambition, you could even do it yourself. While you’re at it, take an honest look at the flooring and see if looks outdated or if needs replacing in specific areas. The floor is actually one of the first places in the home the buyer will look at.

Take Care of The Lawn

Another easy thing to do to tack on a bit of perceived value to your home is to mow the lawn and trim any shrubs or hedges that may be present. A well-manicured lawn adds curb appeal to the home. Try to avoid any fancy landscaping unless it is already present as some buyers can consider this extra maintenance that they do not necessarily want to have to deal with.

Jackson Martin

Jackson Martin, holding a degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas, has been a prominent figure in the home improvement sector for over 18 years. He joined our team in 2020, sharing his expertise in renovation techniques, sustainable building practices, and DIY projects. Jackson's previous experience includes working in residential construction management and as a home renovation consultant. He is an advocate for energy-efficient homes and enjoys participating in local marathon events.

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