Artificial turf can seem like a fantastic idea. Put it in the right place and you have no need to cut the grass again. However, it’s not as simple as just laying the turf on the ground and you do need to question whether it’s the right choice if you have children or pets.

The History Of Artificial Turf

The first known installation of artificial turf was in 1964 in Rhode Island. However, it was until two years later that it gain notoriety and then popularity. This was thanks to the Astrodome in Texas. For a year the dome had tried to create a pitch with natural grass, even though it was inside. This didn’t work but the following year Astroturf was fitted and became an instant hit.

Since then, it has been used n thousands of applications across the globe.

Safety Concerns

The fact that artificial turf is made artificially is enough for many parents to be considered. After all, artificially usually means chemicals and all sorts of other components. The good news is that it doesn’t usually present a safety risk. Artificial turf is made from plastic on your deck or the cricket ground. While it is possible that this can trigger an allergic reaction, it is only in people susceptible to allergens.

In general, the plastics used in artificial turf are the same as you come into contact with daily and won’t be an issue for most people.

However, if you are in the market for artificial turf, it’s a good idea to verify that it is made from non-toxic materials before you purchase it

Don’t forget that artificial turf doesn’t have sticks and other pieces sticking out of it, reducing the likelihood of your child being injured while playing in the yard.

It Doesn’t Do Everything

You may be thinking that artificial turf is the perfect solution for every part of your yard. It will certainly reduce maintenance times. Unfortunately, it isn’t the best substance to use under children’s play areas. Falls from swings and other play equipment can be harmful but they don’t need to be if you use high-quality rubber playground flooring.

It’s just as easy to look after and gives the added protection of shock absorption, helping to keep children safe.


In general artificial turf needs no real maintenance, simply brush it occasionally to keep it clean. However, if artificial turf is all you have, your pets may have an issue. They will be forced to do their business on the artificial turf.

This can present cleaning problems as the waste product can get caught in the grooves of the artificial turf. You’ll need a stiff brush and plenty of water to remove the excess.

The Bottom Line

Artificial turf is a safe option for your yard. But, it shouldn’t be the only thing you use in your yard. Make sure you have rubber playground flooring for the key areas where children play and a natural grass piece for your pets to use, keeping your artificial grass area looking perfect at all times.

Sienna Patel

Sienna Patel holds a degree in Economics from the London School of Economics and has spent 18 years in market research and product analysis. Since joining us, Sienna has shared her expertise in comparative analysis, consumer trends, and value assessments. Her background includes working in market research firms and as a freelance consumer consultant. Outside of work, Sienna is an amateur photographer and a volunteer in financial literacy programs. She is a tech enthusiast and enjoys exploring new cities and cultures.

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